Week in Review May 25: charities, last lectures and arachnophobia

    In case you were busy wondering who would win in a fight between dinosaurs and robots, here’s a recap of some news you may have missed this week.

    DM’s first choice, Donnie Did, fell through when New Kids on the Block reunited
    Chicago-based charity Danny Did has been named Dance Marathon’s primary beneficiary for 2013. Danny Did works to raise money and awareness for children with epilepsy and other seizure-related issues. We’ve got the full story right here.

    Week in Review conscientiously objects to making another one of these jokes
    Professor John Michael Bailey will give the Northwestern senior class’ Last Lecture. Bailey, a relatively unknown psychology professor, was chosen by a senior vote. The Last Lecture will be held at The Cubby Bear in Wrigleyville during Senior Week. Reunite with our loving wives and daughters at The Daily Northwestern for more.

    The timeline for fixing that NBA Jam machine, however, remains disturbingly unclear
    Northwestern administrators committed to releasing specific diversity plans by July of this year. The revelation came during a planned meeting with student leaders that President Schapiro called a “follow-up session to the Winter Diversity Forum.” We’ve got the whole thing right here.

    Researchers are now planning a similar test involving talking to girls
    A Northwestern Medicine study in which adults with arachnophobia were given a brief therapy session with a tarantula resulted in changes to the brain’s fear response. The findings point to new ways in which phobias and anxiety disorders can be treated. Head over to Northwestern Newscenter for more.

    With that, Week in Review has run out of weeks to review. Stay tuned for the film adaptation, starring Clive Owen as Week in Review, Idris Elba as you and Dame Judi Dench as the NBA Jam machine. Until then, go enjoy yourself. Head outside for more.


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