Week in Review March 30: admissions, Carmody and vigils

    In case you were busy leaving that spring break bod at hot cookie bar, here’s a recap of some news you may have missed this week.

    This wasn’t copied and pasted from the past few years, we swear

    The university released data on the Class of 2016 and – surprise! – it’s pretty positive. The acceptance rate dropped to 15 percent, while diversity has gone up by, uh, 12 diversity points (in truth, we won’t know exact diversity figures until students commit on May 1). The downside? Tuition will be increasing by $1,788. We’ve got the full story right here.

    Carmody reportedly tossed the pen back and forth with Phillips for 30 seconds before signing the contract
    Men’s basketball coach Bill Carmody is coming back for a 13th season with Northwestern. The team, which went 19-14 last season, is still searching for that elusive NCAA Tournament bid – though Week in Review prefers to operate under the assumption that the year ended with this moment. Our swingmen at The Daily Northwestern have more here.

    Geraldo Rivera called the event “very suspicious”
    Students and Evanston residents gathered at the Rock on Wednesday night in a vigil for Trayvon Martin. The event included poetry readings, speeches and a candlelit memorial. We have more right here.

    ASG rejected a competing proposal to spend the money improving jokes in weekly campus news aggregation
    ASG Senate will provide a $5,000 grant to a proposal to provide wireless Internet service to the Lakefill. The idea won after about 700 students voted in ASG’s “5K Initiative.” Head over to The Daily for more.

    In the control room of a volcano fortress on Maple Ave, the owner of Howard’s Books stroked a cat and laughed menacingly
    Beloved 30-year-old store Bookman’s Alley will be closing this spring. An auction, to be held in Chicago on April 4, will feature some of owner Roger Carlson’s rarest collectibles, including a postcard from F. Scott Fitzgerald and a handwritten note from John Philip Sousa. Evanston Now has more right here.

    And now, in important news…
    The NBA Jam arcade machine in the Norris ground floor continues to be out of order. President Schapiro could not be reached for comment. Week in Review will keep you updated as news on the situation breaks.


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