Week in Review Nov. 5: Landlords, Fulbrights and more chickens
    You should have earned this sticker on Tuesday. Photo by anitakhart on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.

    In case you were busy forgetting to fill out your absentee ballot, here’s a recap of some news you may have missed this week.

    At least it didn’t end up on Gawker
    About 70 students and citizens attended a forum Tuesday to discuss the vandalism of the menorah outside the Tannenbaum Chabad house. The forum, moderated by Burgie Howard, allowed community members to share their views on the incident as well as religious diversity on campus. We’ve got the full story here.

    Roommates to use rock-paper-scissors to see who gets kicked out
    Landlords and city officials are at odds over an Evanston ordinance that bans more than three unrelated people from living together. After the two sides aired their disagreements at a 5th and 7th ward meeting Thursday, students are waiting to see how off-campus housing may be changed. Head over to our lab partners at The Daily Northwestern for more.

    Northwestern also top ten in North Face products per undergrad
    Northwestern University is one of the top 10 producers of U.S. Fulbright scholarship recipients among research institutions, a distinction we’ve held for five straight years. Northwestern’s group of 20 undergraduate and graduate students and recent alumni helped the university place seventh in the overall competition. Check out Northwestern News for the whole thing.

    Under Tea Party pressure, Claire Lew pledges to repeal health care
    For those of you with no sense of civic duty, Election Day was Tuesday. Nationally, Republicans retook the House but were unable to gain a majority in the Senate. We’ve got Illinois results here, and relive our election live blog right here.

    Evanston panel looks to avoid “chicken gerrymandering”
    Following up on Evanston RoundTable’s sweeping coverage of the heated chicken debate, Evanston Now says a panel has nixed a plan to limit the city’s number of chicken coops. If you fancy yourself an informed citizen, you have no choice but to view the full story here.


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