Week in Review Jan. 6

    In case you were busy finishing Friday Night Lights on Netflix before classes get too tough, here’s a recap of some news you may have missed this week.

    Sodexo claims time-turners have been distributed to accommodate workers’ new hours
    While the Living Wage Campaign called an emergency meeting after hearing that Sodexo had cut two and a half hours from every Northwestern food worker, Sodexo said that “subtle adjustments” are being made to some dining hall employee schedules. The company claimed that such adjustments are typical. We’ve got the full story right here.

    A record number of freshmen also disappeared attempting to rush Sigma Nu
    The ethereal melodies of hundreds of fraternity men chanting unintelligibly rang out across the quad as a record 225 students dropped fraternity bids on the first night of rush this year. Similarly, registration for sorority recruitment increased from 605 to 657 this year. Our Potential News Members at The Daily Northwestern have more on the increases here.

    “We do wish those Cynics would take a bath, though,” Young said.
    President Austin Young spoke about ASG’s relationship with Greek organizations this week, stressing that the communities must work together. “We’re really working to be a proponent of creating opportunities for Greek and non-Greek students to interact,” Young said. “And that comes from treating all students equally.” We’ve got the whole thing right here.

    Norbucks blamed hacking-based terrorists, and did not re-open until John McClane brought them to justice
    Students’ incessant need for overpriced coffee and cardboard pizza went unfulfilled on Tuesday when a system malfunction brought down retail locations like Norbucks and Sbarro. While most food services were eventually able to operate on a cash-only basis, Starbucks remained closed for the rest of the day. Head over to The Daily for the whole story.

    Employees were concerned that opening the rink would really put students on thin…you know what? Never mind.
    While this week’s relatively warm weather has given many cause to celebrate, those hoping to ice skate will have to wait a bit longer. The opening of the Norris Ice Rink was delayed indefinitely due to lack of cold, though officials said they hope the rink will open by the weekend. We’ve got more right here.


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