This week in NU theater: Stop Kiss, Machinal and Twelfth Night

    There are four shows around campus this weekend: Stop Kiss, Machinal, Twelfth Night and The Shape of Things.

    Here’s a sneak peak. (Showtimes below.)

    Spectrum Theatre Company’s Stop Kiss by Diana Son
    Directed by Sharina Martin
    NOVEMBER 2: 8 PM
    NOVEMBER 3: 8 PM and 11 PM
    NOVEMBER 4: 8 PM and 11 PM
    All shows in the Jones Great Room.

    Machinal by Sophie Treadwell
    Directed by Jocelyn Kelvin
    NOVEMBER 3: 8 PM
    NOVEMBER 4: 2 PM and 8 PM
    All shows in the Wallis theatre.

    Lover’s and Madmen’s production of Twelfth Night
    Directed by Ross Knorr
    NOVEMBER 2: 8 PM
    NOVEMBER 3: 8 PM AND 11 PM
    All shows are in the Louis Room.

    Also going up this weekend, but not pictured:
    The Shape of Things by Neil Labute
    Directed by Jennifer Hoguet
    NOVEMBER 3: 8 PM
    NOVEMBER 4: 2 PM and 8 PM
    All shows in the Struble theatre.


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