News you might have missed: April 4, 2013

    Every week, NBN News will provide a quick rundown of miscellaneous news stories you might not have caught.

    Morty emails the student body about diversity

    Monday afternoon, NU President Morton Schapiro sent an email to all students about the new diversity-minded steps the University has taken in the past year and plans to take in future years.

    The email began by describing several of the new faculty positions relating to diversity and inclusion established throughout 2012. It then went into many newly established committees and groups meant to increase inclusion on campus, such as the Bias Incident Response Team, which was created to support students who report being biased against on campus. The email also touched on the proposed diversity requirement introduced earlier this year.

    These measures, Morty wrote, are intended to build "a community that fosters the personal and intellectual growth of our students by bringing together faculty, students, and staff from different backgrounds and perspectives to engage in a mutual exchange of ideas and experiences."

    ASG sends out gun control resolution letters to Congress

    ASG sent out the gun control resolution letters it approved back in January to several members of Congress on Wednesday, according to an email from ASG Sen. Alexander Deitchman. Recipients of the letters include Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill. 9th District). Emailed copies were also sent to additional relevant congressmen.

    The resolution letter cites examples of campus shootings such as Columbine and Sandy Hook to call for tighter restrictions on gun-related purchases and the presence of "high powered assault weapons on our streets." The letter was cosigned by student governments from DePaul, Loyola Chicago, St. Xavier University, Lewis University and the Illinois Institute of Technology.

    NU Qatar unveils new Middle East Studies certificate

    Beginning this quarter, students at NU-Q have the option of obtaining a certificate in Middle East studies. The certificate consists of four classes, other than Arabic language classes, relating to the study of the Middle East.


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