ASG discusses priorities, speaks with Chris Collins
    Photo courtesy of ASG.

    The ASG Executive Board discussed their priorities for the upcoming year at a Senate meeting filled with guest speakers Wednesday night.

    Each member of the board presented their own initiatives that they plan to pursue in the next year. These initiatives ranged from campuswide issues – like getting more microwaves in Norris, shifting weekend dining from the 1835 Hinman dining hall to Allison and working with the city to amend the three-unrelated ordinance – to issues pertaining more to ASG itself, like a revamp for the ASG website and the development of a definitive ASG brand.

    According to ASG President Ani Ajith, ASG’s top big-picture priority for the upcoming year is “expanding the mainstream.” This includes engaging all corners of the Northwestern community and fostering interaction among students.

    Before the priorities presentation, ASG heard from new Northwestern men’s basketball coach Chris Collins. Collins was introduced by Dean of Students Todd Adams, who also spoke briefly. Collins reached out to ASG to help him get students excited about the basketball program. He contrasted Northwestern’s occasionally lethargic attitude toward basketball with the high-energy atmosphere of Duke University, Collins’ alma mater where he previously served as an assistant coach.

    “The atmosphere comes from the students,” Collins said. “We need that support.”

    Collins took suggestions from those in the room about how to encourage more student enthusiasm for Northwestern basketball before asking again for student support in his new program.

    “We need the sixth man, which is the fans,” Collins said. “It’s not about creating another Duke. To me, it’s about creating the best Northwestern.”

    Five students from Northwestern’s Qatar campus also visited the Senate proceedings and spoke with the senators briefly about their student body, Education City and the unique quirks of the Doha campus.

    Ajith began Senate proceedings by proposing a methodology for filling the three vacant Cabinet seats left after last week’s meeting. The plan would have new officers installed by May 29 and was passed unanimously.

    Also unanimously passed was a proposal to set aside $500 to help fund the ASG Community Garage Sale, hosted by ASG’s Community Relations Committee.


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