Hacking the dreaded pack

    Whether you’re going home for break, flying out to New York for a job interview or traveling to Puerto Vallarta to rage your face off, the success of your trip begins and ends with what you bring with you. Clothes and toiletries are obvious, but there are other key items that can make or break your trip. According to the Transportation Security Administration, it's legal to bring up to five liters of alcohol in your checked luggage (provided you are of legal drinking age, of course). Take advantage of this rule with these tips to make sure you make the most of your flight experience.

    The Sushi Roll

    Photo by Priscilla Liu / North by Northwestern
    Photo by Priscilla Liu / North by Northwestern

    Believe it or not, glass bottles can break, and they have a high probability of doing so when they're being shaken back and forth by turbulence at 30,000 feet in the air. An easy solution to make sure your Grey Goose doesn't shatter and spill all over your cashmere sweaters is to roll the bottle up inside your clothes like sushi. Tuck them away in the corner of your suitcase and fly with peace of mind.

    The Manhattan

    Photo by Priscilla Liu / North by Northwestern

    Like the cocktail, this one is a classic, and generally very effective for getting all your shit inside one bag. Stack your shirts, pants and underwear in separate piles, creating several towers that make up the city of your suitcase. If your clothes are the skyscrapers, the empty spaces between them are the streets. Populate those streets by tossing the rest of your items in the spaces between the towers. It's the industry standard if there ever was one.

    The "F**k it"

    Photo by Priscilla Liu / North by Northwestern

    If you're anything like me, you probably think packing is a huge pain in the ass. You’d rather hang out with your friends the night before you leave instead of folding your clothes into neat little piles. If you truly don't care about wrinkled clothes, just toss them into your suitcase until you can’t fit any more items without the zipper breaking. You may never be able to wear your polos again, but hey, at least you didn't have to waste any pre-vacay time.


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