Getting around (with) the new SafeRide policy

    SafeRide confirmed it no longer gives rides between two off-campus addresses, which means getting to locations off the shuttle routes safely will take some creativity. But, there are a lot of buildings around Evanston you might have forgotten are technically campus property. These potential pick-up and drop-off locations aren’t battle-tested, so don't assume they'll work. This is just a thought experiment for this writer’s curiosity about how far the limits of “on-campus” can be stretched.

    1. Motor Pool/Office of Risk Management/lots of other offices, 2020 Ridge Avenue

    It’s a perfect pick-up location after weekend activities near Ridge and Foster. Take the driver certification test while you wait and learn exactly what rules your driver is ignoring as he careens around corners to come pick you up.

    2. NUPD, 1201 Davis Street

    Catching up with friends or grabbing a bite (RIP Taco Diablo) near Oak and Davis? The new home of Northwestern’s finest is conveniently located and technically University property. Bonus: what’s safer than waiting for your ride at the police station?

    3. School of Continuing Studies offices, 405 Church Street

    If you live anywhere south of Church Street and east of Chicago Avenue you’re mostly out of luck unless an elusive shuttle appears. The best bet is this tiny house on Church, which will get you a little closer to home.

    4. McManus Living Learning Center, 1725 Orrington Avenue

    For students living in Park Evanston, Evanston Place and other downtown locations, remember these graduate student apartments are University-owned. Also a convenient alternative if you find yourself often calling SafeRide from Burger King at 1 a.m. on a Saturday.

    5. Englehart Hall, 1915 Maple Avenue

    Like McManus, it’s graduate student housing and therefore decidedly on-campus. Great for those living near Foster and Maple. And, like NUPD, it has the bonus of almost-constant police cars hanging out in the parking lot under the El tracks. Safety!

    6. ITEC, 1801 Maple

    Appropriately housing the Office of Public Safety among other things, it’s a short walk away from the movie theater, Chili’s, Bat 17 and Buffalo Wild Wings.

    7. Wieboldt House (AKA the Morty Mansion)

    This one’s a stretch. The president’s house is technically just north of SafeRide’s boundary at Central, but maybe they would make an exception for the Prez.


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