Ajith, Van Atta win ASG election

    Weinberg junior Ani Ajith and McCormick junior Alex Van Atta were named new ASG president and executive vice president, respectively, Friday evening.

    "We are incredibly humbled, very proud and incredibly thankful for the campaign team," Ajith said.

    "My legs are shaking," Van Atta said. "This is unreal. We put so much work into the past three years."

    Ajith and Van Atta's campaign focused on bringing students from all different communities together and touched on issues from mental health to sustainability.

    Also elected Friday evening were new Student Life Vice President Anna Kottenstette, Communication junior, and new Academic Vice President Sofia Sami, Weinberg junior. 

    The electronic polls were closed Friday evening at 5 p.m. This year, votes were counted utilizing the Schulze method of preferential voting to eliminate the potential need for a runoff election. Students were allowed to rank each presidential candidate as either their first, second, third or fourth choice, with the option to not rank a given candidate at all.

    Students voted through Northwestern's Wildcat Connection website, a website designed for use by student groups. Students first logged in with their netID then had to create an account using their full name and Northwestern email address to vote. The ASG ballot also linked students to a ballot accepting nominations for the 2013 ASG Faculty & Administration Honor Roll.

    Politics Editor Sylvan Lane contributed reporting. 


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