Stories by Sourav Bhowmick

Sourav Bhowmick,

"Didn’t we agree that our city was a joke? Didn’t we all just prefer to tell our friends from home that we went to school in Chicago? We didn’t need Evanston, and Evanston certainly didn’t need us."

Updated 1:59 p.m. At around 12 p.m. on Wednesday, the online ballot for ASG elections crashed and remained out of ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

Breakfast of champions. Photo by Sourav Bhowmick / North by Northwestern. If there’s one thing that I’ve been craving ever ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

The Colosseum from the author’s trip to Rome. Photo by Sourav Bhowmick / North by Northwestern. Ever heard of fall ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

At this point, it’s a bit of a cliché. Almost intuitively, the inner wannabe cultured know-it-all among us knows that ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

The crowded streets of Montmartre. Photo by Sourav Bhowmick / North by Northwestern. Last week the U.S. State Department issued ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

Most of my posts so far have had some level of complaining about my trip abroad. To set the record ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

The idyllic, quintessentially European city of Honfleur. Photo by the author. The last seven days have been the longest week ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

Inside Evanston's First by morning, under custody of Evanston's finest by night: don't get caught on Dillo Day.

Sourav Bhowmick,

The May 17 event will also feature Mary Katharine Ham, political commenter and writer for The Weekly Standard.

Sourav Bhowmick,

What the White House didn't say in the North by Northwestern and Huffington Post interview.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Don't know what to ask Arne? We've got a few suggestions -- but don't limit yourself to just these topics.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Photo by Katherine Tang/North by Northwestern. Barefoot and seated on the floor in half-lotus position, members of the Northwestern University ...

Sourav Bhowmick,

In front of a packed Cahn Auditorium, NU alum and former Governor Rod Blagojevich defended his innocence in a verbal sparring match against three panelists and student questioning.

Sourav Bhowmick,

College Democrats will bring former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to Cahn Auditorium at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 2 to speak about ethics in politics.

Sourav Bhowmick,

A countdown of U.S. politicians' worst romantic dalliances.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Why bringing Gitmo detainees to Illinois might not be such a bad idea.

Hillary Clinton as Lady Gaga? Naturally.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Illinois, in a joint effort with the Obama administration, could very well be the next state to hash out a plan to legalize medicinal cannabis.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Why the Illinois gay marriage bill may be an election-year stunt.

Sourav Bhowmick,

How working for a Congressman lead this writer to fear for his safety.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Here's a sneak peak at headlines you might see in the paper this summer before heading back to Evanston next fall.

Sourav Bhowmick,

A look at Obama's bold steps to enforce fuel efficiency standards.

Sourav Bhowmick,

The commander-in-chief delivered some hilarious and some not-so-funny jokes at the annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Students grade the president's first 100 days.

Sourav Bhowmick,

Northwestern students, faculty, and alumni are among the more than 300 volunteers participating in a 12-day staggered hunger strike to ...