Sourav in Paris: Don't make me go back

    Most of my posts so far have had some level of complaining about my trip abroad. To set the record straight, I love Paris, and I don’t want to go back to Evanston. Having lived in France for a little over a month, I’ve gotten used to quite a few things that I don’t want to let go of. I’m still going to complain in this post, but this time it’s about things I don’t want to go back to at Northwestern.

    Evanston Nightlife
    Does such a thing exist beyond The Keg? Questionable. And besides, having to sit out a 30 minute train ride to get to Chicago for a night out can get a little annoying. In Paris, there’s no wait. Turn the corner and there’s a bar. Walk down the street and there’s a club. Sure, shops and restaurants like to close early, but there seems to be nightlife everywhere. Over here, there are always places to go and people to see only a short walk away, but in Evanston, even a long walk can only take me to BK.

    Cold Weather
    It’s the beginning of October and it was nearly 80 degrees in Paris today. OK, it hasn’t been warm and sunny all week, but I’m just slightly positive that the weather in France puts Evanston to shame. In the depths of winter, it doesn’t go below 32 degrees for longer than a day in Paris. In fact, I don’t have a winter jacket with me here. From what I hear, it’s almost time to put those jackets to good use for those early morning walks to Tech.

    Average-looking People
    Do I sound like a prick? Perhaps I am. Seriously, everyone in Paris is gorgeous. My mind is still blown at how this is possible, considering how much cheese and butter is consumed here on a daily basis. Yet somehow, everyone here is fit, healthy and worthy of a double take. It’s actually pretty difficult for Americans as handsome as myself to compete. And so, although I know it sounds horrible to say this, it’s going to be hard to get rid of these goggles when I come back to Chicago.

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