Stories by Julia Haskins

Julia Haskins,

"Yes, to put it plainly, Coupon Cat is another Groupon imitation. But the founders of the company don’t want that to deter students from what they believe will be a much-needed take on the original business model."

Julia Haskins,

"But when I step back and consider all that his vision has gone into, I see how his work is ingrained into our daily lives in an indirect but powerful way."

Julia Haskins,

Global Water Brigades is set to embark to Honduras over spring break to install clean water systems.

Julia Haskins,

When applying for internships, how important are your social media stats?

Julia Haskins,

Weinberg freshman Zoe Damacela has made a splash in the fashion world, all before her 18th birthday.

Julia Haskins,

Why it's unfair to insinuate that all sexually active women over 40 are predatory.

Julia Haskins,

M.I.A.'s new video features redheaded men being arbitrarily rounded up and slaughtered. Is it just another piece of shock art, or does it have a legitimate artistic message?

Julia Haskins,

If you adorn your crotch with crystals, make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.

Julia Haskins,

Why Kick-Ass isn't your average superhero movie, and why that's probably a good thing.

Julia Haskins,

Laws should be making it harder for sexual assault to occur. Instead, some of our politicians want to take sex education away from us altogether.

Caleb Melby, Julia Haskins,

Canning: n. 1. The process of going out and collecting donations in public places. Donations are normally placed into a ...

Julia Haskins,

This year we’re dancing for StandUp For Kids, but the Marathon can be daunting if you’re not well-prepared. Luckily, DM ...

Julia Haskins,

Support DM AND Haiti: Northwestern students don't -- and shouldn't -- compete with their charities.

Julia Haskins,

John Mayer's inappropriate slip-ups have caused some heat.

Julia Haskins,

So whether you love football or not, politics infiltration just makes everything more awkward at the Super Bowl party.

Julia Haskins,

Groups like the Westboro Baptist Church and situations like the Fort Hood shooting blur the lines of faith and hatred. What does it really mean to be religious?

Seven steps to a brighter face Rock last night’s sweats with these quick makeup fixes. By Sarah Davidson. Photo by ...

Julia Haskins,

One student expresses her outrage and disappointment at the students who wore blackface on Halloween.

Julia Haskins,

Thanks for the entertainment, Rahm and the gang, but if I want a good catfight, I’ll stick to Real Housewives.

Julia Haskins,

I envision a world where my love for Miley doesn’t have to be so wrong.