The third-party politics of Snoop Dogg

    Snoop Doggy Dogg has crafted a musical career hinging on political incorrectness. With or without a beat dropping, Snoop has been known to deliver some cutting remarks, taking aim at notable politicos.

    In preparation for Snoop’s appearance at Northwestern, check out our rundown of 5 moments of truly Doggystyle politics:

    5. “Man, fuck Bill O’Rielly.” | 0:20

    In 2007, Snoop was denied entry to the United Kingdom. According to the UK Border Agency, Snoop Dogg constituted “a risk to the public.” Thus, the Grandfather of Gangsta Rap ended up flying to the Netherlands and landing an interview on Dutch TV. Prompted by a particularly probing TV host, Snoop responded to comments launched by O’Reilly regarding Snoop’s criminal record. Mr. Dogg proposed an interview with Billo, to be held in Snoop’s own neighborhood. Why? “So I can kick his motherfucking ass.”

    4. “I’m not down with the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. I represent the gangsta’ party.” | 0:24

    In a lengthy 2008 interview with the lanky Larry King, Snoop shared his thoughts on Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Admitting that both would affect positive change in the country, Snoop declined to affiliate himself with either then-contender. Snoop connected Obama’s bid to the presidency with other past African-American candidates, notably with Jesse Jackson. “Nobody really believed Jesse could win,” Snoop recalled.

    And Larry King delivered arguably most awkward rendition of “gangsta” of all-time at 0:44.

    3. “I feel like it’s [marijuana legalization] a great situation. I feel like the world would be a better place if the world would just open up and do that.” | 0:09

    To boisterous applause, Snoop comments on New Jersey legalizing medicinal marijuana. Last Monday, Snoop came on the show again, this time to support California’s Proposition 19, a bill that would legalize possession of up to one ounce of marijuana in his home state. “I really believe it will take California to another level.” Snoop openly admits to smoking pot at every show, so let’s hope that University Police are too busy busting inebriated freshmen to investigate the curious smoke rising out of Welsh-Ryan Arena.

    2. “I’m following Wolf Blitzer on Twitter” | 2:03
    “I’m just a simple old hockey mom from Alaska, you betcha.” | 3:45

    On a David Letterman segment entitled “Top 10 Things That Sound Cool When Said by Snoop Dogg,” Snoop rattled off some comic jabs at Wolf Blitzer and Sarah Palin. Does he actually follow Wolf Blitzer on Twitter? Maybe. Then again, does he really consider rock artist John Mayer “sexual napalm”?

    1. “Drop It Like It’s Hot.”

    Even the Commander-in-Chief can’t resist some Doggystyle remedy. Speaking to V103 radio station in Chicago, Barack Obama recounted his daughter’s interpretation of the Billboard #1 hit: “drop it like a sock.” Whether the lyrics read “hot” or “sock” seems irrelevent. More importantly: has Obama smiled like that since taking office?


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