Stories by Alex Levine

Alex Levine,

Kirk takes the Senate seat, Schakowsky skates to victory and Quinn hangs on to the statehouse for dear life.

Alex Levine,

Check back at 9 pm for up to the minute news and analysis. NBN Politics will cover the national highlights ...

What did our writers think of Rick Santorum and Howard Dean's debate?

Alex Levine,

Get to know Rick Santorum and Howard Dean before they trade blows in Tuesday's campus debate.

Alex Levine,

The media circus surrounding Ahmadinejad does more harm than good.

Alex Levine,

Is the call for modifying Miranda rights a good one? Get one writer's take on the issue right here.

Alex Levine,

Obama made with the funny at the White House Correspondents' Dinner over the weekend. We look at the punchlines that landed and the ones that fell flat.

Alex Levine,

Almost a year after her release from imprisonment in Iran, Roxana Saberi returned to Medill to share her experiences with the Northwestern community.

Alex Levine,

Photo courtesy of the Washington Post, licensed under the Creative Commons. Earlier today, Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement ...

Alex Levine,

If a Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for something that hasn't happened yet, was it ever actually awarded?

Alex Levine,

His order to his legal counsel to block the release of torture photos constitutes what is effectively an “executive untagging.”

Alex Levine,

A take on the current state of gun control in America, and how this touchy issue can be presented.

Alex Levine,

The republican party is in desperate need of a makeover, but first they need to find a suitable model.