“All of the jokes tonight are brought to you by our friends at Goldman Sachs”

    The White House Correspondents’ Dinner marks the annual, and sometimes awkward, gathering of the President, news media and celebrities.  It is (presumably) the only event that brings Rahm Emanuel and Justin Bieber to the table together.

    The White House Correspondents’ Dinner has been an annual tradition since 1924. It has typically been a difficult gig for Presidents and comedians, who seem to hope to escape the night with a few laughs and no major gaffes.

    Below are some of Obama’s best punch lines and a couple of misses, with background:

    Some Republicans have suggested that the [health care reform] bill contains a few secret provisions. That’s ridiculous. There aren’t a few secret provisions in the health care plan — there are, like, hundreds…This next provision is called the Jersey Shore-Up. It reads: “The following individuals shall be excluded from the indoor tanning tax within this bill.” Snooki, J-WOWW, the Situation, and House Minority Leader John Boehner.

    Proving that the White House Residence does indeed receive MTV, the President likened the tanned Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner to the well-oiled Jersey Shore inhabitants. Last year, we weren’t falling out of our chairs over Obama’s joke that Boehner was “a person of color,” but this year the President’s pop culture knowledge scored him some laughs.

    I saw Michael Steele backstage when we were taking pictures — AKA Notorious GOP. Michael, who knows what truly plagues America today — taxation without representin’. My brother.

    Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee, became an instant punch line when he started using hip-hop slang in an effort to appeal to young voters. Steele called for an “off the hook” public relations campaign (including his blog, entitled “What Up?) to redefine the GOP as the party of hip-hop. Last year, Obama took a similar jab, noting that Michael Steele was “in the heezy”

    I work a lot so I wasn’t sure that I should actually come tonight. Biden talked me into it. He leaned over and he said, ‘Mr. President, this is no ordinary dinner. This is a big “f–king meal!’

    After health care reform legislation passed last month, Vice President Joe Biden was picked up on microphones telling President Obama, “This is a big f—ing deal.” Soon afterwards, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs jokingly tweeted, “And yes Mr. Vice President, you’re right.” This incident was yet another example of Biden’s growing trend of gaffes.

    Though I am glad that the only person whose ratings fell more than mine last year is here tonight — great to see you, Jay. I’m also glad that I’m speaking first, because we’ve all seen what happens when somebody takes the time slot after Leno’s.

    In probably the biggest joke of the night, the President was both self-deprecating and timely, referencing Jay Leno’s role in Conan O’Brien’s ugly departure with NBC. Jay Leno, who spoke immediately after Obama, received the joke well and responded, “Goodnight, everybody!” Jay Leno’s performance afterwards did not receive as positive reviews.

    Obama didn’t quite deliver on all jokes, however:

    Let’s see — this provision is called the Bay State of Denial. It reads: “This bill shall cover short-term memory loss related to the passage of Massachusetts health care reform.” So, good news, Mitt, your condition is covered.

    Maybe this joke didn’t score as many laughs because of its foreshadowing. Republican Mitt Romney supported an overhaul of the Massachusetts healthcare system while serving as governor that had many similarities to Obama’s recently passed legislation. Romney, however, has called for a repeal of Obama’s plan. Romney is often mentioned as a presidential candidate (again) and has been doing well in informal GOP straw polls.Should he run in 2012, this issue will certainly resurface.

    Odds are that the Salahis are here. There haven’t been people that were more unwelcome at a party since Charlie Crist.

    In one of the more controversial moments, Obama made light of Florida governor Charlie Crist leaving his party in an effort to keep his Senate campaign alive. The Salahis received fleeting fame for crashing a party at the White House earlier this year. The joke, which drew sounds of “oooh” from the crowd may have been especially poignant considering Obama’s role in Crist’s political future. Governor Crist, a Republican at the time, drew fierce criticism for greeting the President with a hug during a visit in Florida. The picture went viral and became a goldmine for right wing fundraisers.

    Now, look, obviously I’ve learned this year politics can be a tough business, but there are times where you just can’t help but laugh. You know what really tickles me? Eric Massa. Apparently Massa claimed that Rahm came up to him one day in the House locker room, stark naked, started screaming obscenities at him — to which I say, welcome to my world. (Laughter.) I feel you. It’s a tense moment.

    Although the joke was well-received, this slightly unsettling joke referenced Congressman Eric Massa, who has been accused by his own aides of sexual harassment after initiating “tickle fights” at his 50th birthday party. Perhaps it was the idea of a congressman tickling staff that were decades younger than him or the image of an angry Rahm Emanel nude, but this joke could have been edited out.

    In the end, Obama outshone the predictable Jay Leno and avoided any major missteps. In a weekend that included a commencement speech at University of Michigan and a somber surveying of the possible damage of the spreading oil spill, Obama was able to utilize the deadpan to his advantage.


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