The most popular girls at Northwestern

    Northwestern kids probably weren't at top of the social hierarchy in high school. But thanks to the webseries The Most Popular Girls in School, everyone has a chance to see what it's like to be the Regina George of the social food chain through the lives of girls at Overland Park High School. Consisting of 13 episodes using off-brand Barbies dubbed with a variety of voices, MPGIS blew up on the internet last week. But why exactly should NU kids watch the videos? Well, we might have more in common with the girls of Overland Park than we think.

    We all have a little Rachel inside of ourselves.
    Even though most of us aren’t gingers or substantially shorter than everyone else, we can all identify with the unpopular Rachel Tice from MPGIS. Let’s be honest, we probably were the Rachel Tices of our high school. Our television obsession might not be Gossip Girl, but everyone at NU has at least one show they can’t live without. And although we might not have been named prom queen at the last dance of our adolescence days, getting into Northwestern probably gave us enough entitlement to tell our peers that messed with us in high school to say “hit the bricks, bitch.”

    There’s always a bitch like Mackenzie ruining our lives.
    Mackenzie Zales. Head-cheerleader, homecoming queen and part-time model. She’s that girl who you just can’t stand because simply put, she's a horrible person. Somehow she has a band of friends she orders around, and you have no clue how. Whether she's a chick in your discussion that turns every academic point into some part of her bougie upbringing or your hookup buddy's ex-hookup buddy and she won't stop dogging you at parties, girl's attitude is just rancid. All you can do is deal with her, or maybe slip some laxatives into her agua fresca at Frontera. 

    Sometimes we just want a really good poop like Deandra.
    The digestive tract is something that too few people appreciate. Healthy digestion is important for anyone and nobody knows that quite a well as Deandra from MPGIS. Forget everything else: Nothing is better than heading to the bathroom for some stall-time after a big meal from the dining halls. Deandra also knows how to use her need for regular bowel movements as a way to get out of sticky situations. Who’s going to say no to you when you have to go poop? And just like Deandra, we all started off as the new kid at school at one time or another. An important lesson learned from Deandra is never try to play both sides of a feud between two groups of bitchy girls. You might just find yourself 27 pounds lighter

    We’re scared of being sexually inadequate like Brittnay.
    As Northwestern students, the redundant “we’re too busy to date, so we have a hookup culture” permeates through the student body. With such a prevalent scene of one-night stands and dance floor makeouts, we’d all be outraged to find out someone’s saying our handjobs are second-rate. Just like Brittnay Matthews, we’d want to get to the bottom of the investigation and put whoever started the rumor in their place. Or just get better at handjobs so nobody can believe the rumor.

    It's very possible we'll have a meltdown like Trisha.
    Being at what is deemed one of the most stressful universities, the high-pressure environment here at Northwestern can push just about anyone off the edge of sanity. Trisha Cappalleti is the tragic hero of MPGIS, who ultimately falls into an identity crisis due to her own fatal flaw. Her untold dedication to the cheer squad leads to a tremendous guilt after losing Deandra to the Van Buren family and Deandra's limbs due to a clash of the school's cliques. Our breakdowns might not derive from a girl getting her arms ripped off, but Trisha Cappalletti’s iconic explosion in the halls of Overland Park is all too familiar.


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