Television lessons for freshman year
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    Who says television can't teach you anything? From avoiding the Freshman 15 to figuring out who your friends are, North by Northwestern came up with a list of television classics featuring some lessons that are actually applicable to real life, whether you're slaying demons or just sleeping in the library.


    No one likes rules. But by definition, relationships manage to defy and distort even the most steadfast of regulations. That also means you should probably steer clear of your Resident Adviser (or Community Adviser here on NU's campus), who gets paid to follow said rules. As Felicity Porter so aptly found out her freshman year, dating her R.A. – while potentially her soulmate – just led to four, drawn out years of heartbreak, potential expulsion and a lot of cassette tapes filled with cheesy fortune cookie wisdom. Sure, he’s a computer genius, older and kind of cute in a derpy way, but unless you’re ready for a whole lot of drama and Boggle board game nights, it’s probably best to steer clear of that fifth-year senior down the hall.

    Lesson: Don’t sleep with your R.A.


    Mistakes Alcohol happens. Which is unfortunate when you have a long-term boyfriend who is literally straight out of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  Take it from Steven, who sleeps with a cute girl that also happens to have Jason Segel as her crazed, copy-shop working boyfriend from back home. Obviously, he’s going to find out, and you may subsequently get a little beat up by your new bunk bed beau’s former flame. So if you want to avoid being chased around campus in your skivvies by a Razr scooter-riding psychopath, I’d check up on that online relationship status.

    Lesson: Wait for the turkey drop.


    First impressions are always tricky, especially when it comes to the person you’re sleeping side by side with for the entire school year. Take it from the dweeby, liberal-leaning Rusty Cartwright, who didn’t exactly mesh at first meeting with his ultra-conservative, Bible-loving roommate Dale Kettlewell. Sure, he may have a Christian rock band named ‘Darwin Lied’ and a Confederate flag on his side of the room, but after a few Rush Week experiences gone bad, you’ll soon realize that underneath that purity ring and steely sermon is an extremely sweet, loyal soul. Give your new roomie a chance and who knows, you may end up actually having a gosh darn good time.

    Lesson: Make an effort with your roommate.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    Buffy had to say goodbye to her first true love at the end of the show's third season, only to begin college with an empty heart. But she was ready to concentrate on the things that really mattered such as friends, school and of course, defending the world from evil. Enter Parker: the pretty face with fluffy brown hair. The two finally had sex after a few weeks of flirting, Buffy's first one night stand. Although she wanted to pursue a romantic relationship, it was clear that Parker wasn't interested in anything long-term as he started using his smooth moves on Buffy's best friend.

    Lesson: One night stands might just be one night stands.


    The individuals that form Community's study group are pretty much a grab bag all brought together by the need to pass a Spanish course. From a womanizing ex-lawyer to a bored millionaire, the group has a dynamic that just works perfectly for the NBC comedy series. Classes (especially your distros) will bring together the most random people. Make friends with other classmates as they'll be the people you'll rely on for lecture notes when you're sick and study with when final exams are around the corner. And if it's any indication from the group at Greendale Community College in the show, you'll have tons of fun along way. 

    Lesson: You never know what friends you'll make. 


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