Six ways to sexily win Green Cup

    Photo by minds-eye on Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons.

    Green Cup doesn’t have to be synonymous with suffering. Sure, if you care, you may shower less and forgo food on campus. But you don’t have to settle for being the hungry, disheveled kid nobody talks to. Here are six ways to turn the Cup into a month of eco-friendly fucking.

    1. Shower together

    Green guidelines already recommend that you keep your showering to less than five minutes. Five minutes of showering uses 20 gallons, so cutting your 15-minute shower to five minutes will save 40 gallons. However, go even greener by showering together with your partner. Not only will you cut water usage by 20 gallons for the day, but you’ll also have someone to help clean the nooks and crannies of your own body you might ordinarily miss. Take it one step further, and use cold water instead of hot to reduce the energy your water heater is using. Hot water is unnecessary with how steamy things will be getting between you and your partner.

    2. Or don’t shower at all

    Some research shows that male sweat boosts female hormone levels and acts as a pheromone, stimulating sexual arousal. Androstadienone, a chemical found in male sweat, has also been found to speed up blood pressure, heart rate and breathing, all while raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol. So ditch the shower and trying to mask body odor with deodorant, and woo your woman with your own natural scent.

    3. Go for the all-natural look

    Shaving requires the use of either electric or disposable razors, both of which are not extremely environmentally friendly. You’ll be cutting your electricity consumption by abstaining from using your electric razor, as well as reducing your waste output by not having disposable razors pile up in your trash. But if you do end up shaving, do it only when necessary instead of every single day. Also, using electric razors that use rechargeable batteries or disposable ones made of recycled plastic will score you points with Mother Nature. Whoever knew that the sexy lumberjack look could be environmentally-friendly?

    4. Lube up naturally

    There are many lubricants out on the market that are eco-friendly or organic. Firefly Organics Personal Lubricant and Astroglide are water-based lubes that promise great results. Good Clean Love, Inc. offers many products that are chemical free, including natural personal lubricants, love oils and body candy. You can go even greener by leaving the lubricants on the sex-store shelves and using saliva, the most natural lubes can get.

    5. Turn the heater off

    Everybody loves getting cozy in bed with the heater cranked on during the winter season, but this can spike electricity or gas usage. Keep the heater on low or even turn it off all the way and snuggle up with your loved one. It’s a good way to cut consumption of energy and get intimate with your partner. But if you’re single and still looking for someone so snuggle up with, you might want to invest in this.

    6. Don’t throw away leftovers

    Instead of scooping your leftovers into the trashcan after dinner, save them for some foreplay in the bedroom. You can kinkily feed your significant other the leftover food or have them eat the food from off your body, just get creative. Although this is normally seen with things like chocolate-covered strawberries, nobody ever said Plex leftovers can’t be sexy. And maybe some chef role playing could be implemented into your love-making session? Serve me up some of that.


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