Sexy Northwestern costumes
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    We get it. Gone are the days of conservative, Mom-made Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating. Halloween now means wearing the least amount of clothes possible while still being able to resemble a cat, police officer, nurse or cowgirl. The sexier the better. But really, what could be sexier this Halloween than a little school spirit? Instead of going with one of those lame, generic costumes this year, wow your friends and that random kid from your econ discussion with a Sexy Northwestern costume this Halloween. 

    Sexy The Rock:
    Here’s the thing: do rocks even wear clothes? No. So clearly The Rock has the right idea when it comes to sexy. This Halloween, take a page out of our iconic monument’s book and rock that nothing but paint look. Though The Rock makes it look easy, you will really have to commit to this costume to pull it off correctly. But if you succeed, your friends and peers will admire your daring creativity and envy your incredible rock-like sexiness. Just be sure to find thick paint. Like, 60 years of layering-thick paint. 

    Sexy SPAC Construction: 
    Want a costume that will really rile people up this Halloween? Nothing gets those athletically-gifted NU students going like the construction in front of SPAC. So, if you want to make a statement this October the 31st, consider embodying one of Northwestern’s many inconveniences and go as Sexy SPAC Construction. Grab some caution tape – we’re thinking Lady Gaga-style here – a construction hat, and most importantly, some dirt and go to town. This costume is especially relevant for those trying to show school spirit while simultaneously embracing their edgy side. 

    Sexy Willie the Wildcat:
    It’s time to take the most generic mascot the school could’ve chosen and make him sexy.  First, purchase a pair of cat ears that you can stand to sport for the entire night and draw on a Willie face. To achieve this, paint a black triangle on your nose and three dots on each cheek. To differentiate yourself from the other lingerie cats roaming campus, you must look perpetually happy and sport a large oversized Northwestern T-Shirt that barely covers your butt.  No pants are allowed. This makes it sexy – and a better imitation of Willie. Possible accessories include furry gray animal slippers and a football.  

    Sexy Norway:
    In order to honor the latest food addition to Norris and be green, we suggest the sexiest and potentially most DIY costume of Fall 2013: Sexy Norway. Simply use all of your meals to purchase as many subs as possible before Halloween. Then utilize the wrappers to tape together a body-wrap that covers from armpit to mid-thigh. Feel free to adjust hemlines to show more skin. To bring it all together, use the Willie’s Foodcourt cups to create Madonna-esque cones. Men costume-wearers can choose whether or not the cones are necessity.  Finally, to give your costume that purple flair for those back home, put on your favorite Northwestern ball cap. Just in case they don’t get why you keep calling your costume Norway instead of Subway

    With all these ideas in mind, we encourage you to have a creative and sexy Halloween


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