Stories by Katherine Mirani

Katherine Mirani,

Before you run up to that prospie, figure out how you really feel about Northwestern.

Katherine Mirani,

The NU community prides itself on its around the clock busyness, but unstructured time could be beneficial to worn out students.

Katherine Mirani,

"Monday, the people of my city came together and helped each other in the midst of deep fear and darkness."

Katherine Mirani,

Investors and educators want to extend the reach of higher learning by pushing it into cyberspace. This fall, Northwestern will join a host of elite institutions in developing online courses that replicate the intimacy of a physical classroom. But does this novel plan have a place in academia?

Katherine Mirani,

Authorities in London have ruled Alyssa Weaver's death a suicide, said a Northwestern University spokesman who heard the ruling from Weaver's parents.

Election season is the time for expressing feelings — whether it's that hot coed (if you're Anthony Weiner) or eight Iowans (if you're Rick Santorum).

Katherine Mirani,

If the past is any indication, Mitt Romney will have a tough time running for president if he lets his faith get in the way.

Culturally, much of middle school and high school is predicated on the fact that "kids can be mean." But when this kind of sick act persists, what can be done to stop this horrific chain of events?

Katherine Mirani,

"Even if you don’t consider yourself a political person, the choices you make—even choices as small as where to buy snacks—can affect the outcome of political elections."