Sex Week 2016, in review
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    Video by Missy Chen / North by Northwestern

    Northwestern Sex Week came to an end the evening of Friday, April 15, after five days and 12 sex-positive events.

    Sponsored by Northwestern College Feminists, the week of programming is aimed at a campus where smart students are often pretty dumb about sex.

    “The main goal [of sex week] is distributing sex education and information and also to create awareness by looking at gender and sexuality and destigmatizing certain types of sex or certain types of people that are associated with sex,” said Weinberg junior Wan Kwok, a co-chair of Sex Week.

    What's that look like? Burlesque, anal sex and more.

    With events ranging from BDSM 101 to a panel about porn from the people who make it, co-chair Cristina Polencia said Sex Week is important because it covers a wide array of topics that encourages people to talk about safe sex and promote healthy sexuality.

    “Sometimes people are uncomfortable, and I think that’s part of what we’re trying to address,” said Polencia, a SESP senior. “A lot of people are having sex and people should know how to do it safely and how to talk about it, because that’s a very important part of having sex. If you can’t even mention it or look at a table full of condoms, then how are you going to have healthy, safe sex?”


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