Auntie Angel cums to campus
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    Your Auntie probably never used a cucumber or grapefruit like this before.

    Denise Walker, 45, more commonly known as Auntie Angel or the Grapefruit Lady, demonstrated some of her sex techniques Friday evening for the last event of NU Sex Week. This was the largest group Walker has ever taught, with all 292 seats in Tech LR2 filled, with many people lining the edges and aisles of the lecture hall.

    The fact that so many students cared enough to watch her fellate fruits and vegetables is something she never thought possible, Walker said. 

    "I’m so humbled, it’s an honor, it really is, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else,” she said.

    A self-described “intimacy and relationship expert specializing in the art of fellatio,” Walker became internet famous in 2014 when the video for her ‘grapefruit technique’ went viral (NSFW).

    With a tarp and towel at the ready, she taught six of her 50 fellatio techniques Friday night, leaving the audience in constant applause, laughter and shock.

    “Suck dick like you’re playing chess, never let the dick know your next move,” Walker said. “When you’re giving head, you’re telling a story.”

    Although Walker is a self-proclaimed “dick connoisseur” now, she is self-taught in what she calls “the art of fellatio." Citing her credentials as a nail technican and owner of a paint business, she said this was an opportunity to use her creativity to improve the business of pleasure.

    “When I first started learning, I was watching porn and everything the girl was doing, the guy was like, ‘that’s just so basic,’" Walker said. "So I took what I saw and put a spin on it.”

    Spin sells, apparently. Walker performs live demonstrations, sells DVDs of her techniques and interviews with major media outlets, including Cosmopolitan and Essence

    The original grapefruit technique video currently has more than 4 million views, which, she said, inlcude her godson, who was first exposed to her hidden talents by his friends.

    "They showed him the video and he called me screaming and hollering and said ‘What are you doing?’" Walker said. "But it made him popular his senior year, and I haven’t gone to any events because I don’t want to take away from his thunder."

    Claiming to have taught nearly 70,000 people, Walker has built a close following of students, nicknamed Angels, who've adopted her signature angel wings. She now sells the wings to her Angels, who form what she calls her secret society.

    "People want to belong to something, so why not be a dick connoisseur?” she said about the Angel community.

    But Walker's classes are more than fun. As a victim of two sexual assaults, Walker said she uses her classes to also speak about safe sex and healthy sexuality; the grapefruit technique and others like it carry important messages of strength and empowerment, she said.

    Walker recognized her tips may not be for everyone, but maintained her belief that there is no right or wrong when it comes to sex, as long as people feel comfortable and can wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and love themself.

    “I tell people never judge a book by its cover,” Walker said. “Women have stories and you don’t know her story, and it’s probably the reason why she’s doing whatever it is she’s doing, is to make her feel comfortable in her own sexuality. Never let anyone else define who you are and where you should be.”


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