Welcome to the new Purple Line

    Welcome to the new Purple Line, the more-than-once-per-daily blog from North by Northwestern’s News section.  We launched it because we think it's our job to cover not only the news from Northwestern’s campus, but also the news -- in Chicago, at other colleges, even from other cities — that matters to you

    Our coverage here will always begin, of course, with original reporting about the biggest events on campus. You can always come here to find out who's leading the Homecoming Parade. But our reporting will be freed from a daily publication schedule: "What are those monks chanting at the Rock?," you may have asked last week (we did). We'd have the answer here.

    But all the news that affects Northwestern students doesn't happen between Lake and Central streets. We'll also publish the Best of the Rest, a summary of the most important stories from other college’s papers. College news tends to happen in waves, and we'll tell you about what's happening there before it comes here. Our ASG Update will tell you what our fearless Associated Student Government did, or did not, manage to accomplish that week, backed up with our knowledge of the institution’s messy history and complex organization. And, like any self-respecting blog, we'll feature your photos and tweets about this brutally modern and warmly old-fashioned campus we call our own.

    Listen to experts on "the changing world of higher ed" for too long, and college seems like only a business with Northwestern only a brand. But Northwestern's a real place on Lake Michigan where we can relax, meet up, party and have fun. Here at the Purple Line, we intend to cover the first world with the sensibility of the second.


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