Quick hits from the weekend of local sports

    I don’t know how I feel about my Cubbies turning into the Yankees, Red Sox, or Mets. Signing Alfonso Soriano is great, but for $136 million over eight years? He’s going to be 38 when this contract ends. And there’s reportedly a no-trade clause involved. Sure, the Cubs can use Tribune Co.’s money to buy up talent. (For all you media news watchers out there, we’re talking the same Tribune Co. that is cutting costs everywhere else across the board, a point the Chicago Trib’s Rick Morrissey makes today.) But is throwing ridiculous contracts around really the right way to build a team? I think everyone in the Cubs’ organization shares that concern, but the whole White Sox craze has people at Clark and Addison very worried.

    Another interesting subplot – Sox General Manager Kenny Williams is reading all the headlines made by the Soriano signing and scheming about how to win back the spotlight. Stay tuned.

    Did you know Soriano is from San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic? Extra credit for anyone who knows why that’s a very significant town in Cubs history. (OK, I’ll ruin it for you – it’s also Sammy Sosa’s hometown. Thinking about possible bad omens gives me a stomachache…)

    How about that Northwestern-Illinois game Saturday? The first half was probably the worst football I’ve ever seen in person. Fumbles, interceptions, dropped passes, even a safety. And before you hate me for leaving the game just after halftime, I just want to say the Ohio State-Michigan game was well worth it. One of the best games I’ve seen – I just wish Michigan hadn’t kicked that onside kick straight to Ted Ginn.

    And lastly, the Bulls are now 0-4 on the circus trip and 3-7 for the year so far. I think they’re definitely still looking for their rhythm as a team – that’s just the way it is when you have several talented players but no outstanding ones. Ultimately, it seems that someone will need to emerge from the pack as an ultimate go-to guy on offense. Otherwise, the Bulls are probably a blockbuster trade away from really contending for a championship.

    Stay tuned this week for an analysis of why we should all root for Rutgers and (maybe) a more optimistic piece about men’s basketball.


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