Does more education mean more oral sex?

    Next time you’re nodding off in your Intro to Moral Philosophy lecture, just think of this: The longer you keep your head off the desk, the better your sex life could be.

    According to a study that your friends in Human Sex may have shared with you, cited in this quarter’s Human Sexuality textbook, educated people have oral sex more than their uneducated counterparts. A USA Today article confirms that, historically, education and oral sex have gone hand in hand (or mouth).

    But do Northwestern students agree that $50,000 per year really means we’re all running gleefully toward third base?

    “Maybe educated people think about stuff more, and so they’re more okay with the amount of smell, because [they] think about it and know about biology and that this is the human body,” Communication freshman Elias Alexander said.

    Some students, however, remained skeptical.

    “I don’t know if it’s just education, I think everyone might like oral sex,” Communication senior Gerard Hamlett said.

    The advantage for educated people may come into play with the consideration of safer decisions about sex.

    And if you’re smart enough to think about not getting knocked up or looking like a slide from the Powerpoint that your middle-school science teacher used to scare you sexless, you should be smart enough to keep your mind, or other things, open.

    “I feel like oral sex is something that is viewed as being taboo in American culture,” said Medill junior Chardaé Davis, a member of Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators (SHAPE)*. “[More educated] people normally have been exposed to more, might be more open-minded and more willing to explore. If someone’s been educated about sexual health and sexual practice and stuff, then I think maybe they’d have more of an understanding and say, ‘this okay, you’re really going to like this’ or ‘I’m going to like this, let’s try it.’ I think it’s a big thing about debunking myths and understanding and maybe being more liberal.”

    *Full disclosure: The author is a member of SHAPE.


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