NUDM raises $1.13 million for 2015 beneficiaries

    Photos by Madhuri Sathish / North by Northwestern

    After 30 consecutive hours and more than a year of fundraising, NUDM announced a fundraising total of $1,130,979 for Starlight Children's Foundation and the Evanston Community Foundation.

    Starlight Children's Foundation received the second-largest check that DM has ever presented, for a total of $836,489.57. Additionally, the ECF was given a check for $92,943.29. The money raised by Starlight will go towards funding new hospitals in the Chicago-land area. 

    The $1.13 million total was the first that wasn't record-breaking since 2010. Last year, NUDM raised over $1.3 million dollars, which benefited Team Joseph and the Evanston Community Foundation, and gave its primary beneficiary the largest check in DM history – $931,289.21. However, 2012's primary beneficiary, the Danny Did Foundation, received less than Starlight did, despite a larger overall fundraising total in 2013's NUDM compared to 2015's.


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