NU affirms support of transgender students in light of Trump rescinding protective legislation

    In an email sent to students on Thursday evening, Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin affirmed Northwestern's support of transgender students in light of actions taken by President Trump yesterday.

    Trump rescinded legislation passed by former President Obama that allows transgender and non-gender-conforming individuals to use the bathroom or facility of their choice in schools. In doing so, Trump ignored initial advice from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, because he said state governments should decide school policy, not the federal government.

    In the email, Telles-Irvin said Northwestern "is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive community for all" and that the contributions of LGTBQ+ individuals "help make this institution a better place." She also said that while some students or community members may prefer Northwestern not get involved in political issues like this, the University believes it's important to act if members of the Northwestern community are being affected.

    She added that while Northwestern's key goals in the coming months will remain teaching and research, a simultaneous goal of the university will be to support the community and protect trans and non-gender-conforming students/faculty in the light of the new administration.


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