"Living in Color" artist showcase
  • The crowd of students applaud the powerful live performances.
  • Student leaders and organizers of the event introduce themselves and their organizations.
  • Students converse and watch as the artists put up their work.
  • Students watch and document as the live performances kick off with Weinberg sophomore Darcelle Pluviose's poem.
  • The "Living in Color" artists showcase began with an hour for visual arts, which involved several mediums of art.
  • Weinberg sophomore Aaron Clarke delivers an impassioned reading of his poem.
  • An interactive media piece, by seniors Darien Wendell and Bria Royal, explored the question of what liberation looks to the students like in art form. Above, sophomore Bodhi Alarcon writes an answer to their question, which the artists then interpreted on paper.
  • A sizable crowd was in attendance of the visual arts portion of the event. Above, a number of students mingle and snack.
Photos by Allison Mark / North by Northwestern

This past Friday was certainly an eventful one. Several activist groups on campus organized a showcase of artists’ work, both from Northwestern and the greater Chicago area, that displayed the raw emotion and passion for social justice that so strongly characterizes the movements sweeping the nation. The event, part of a show of solidarity in response to events nationwide, was particularly well-timed considering the solidarity action on Northwestern's campus earlier that same day, and sought to explore the ways multi-media arts play roles in expressing minority groups’ fight against oppression. The showcase featured visual arts, poetry, live music, rap and dance, and garnered a wide range of enthusiastic students, many of whom were fresh off of the emergency action march.


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