IFC condemns senator walkout earlier this week

    In a statement made on Facebook on Thursday afternoon, Northwestern's Interfraternity Council Executive Board denounced the actions of its IFC senators at an ASG meeting Wednesday night. At the meeting, IFC senator Mike Seethaler and three substitute senators from Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) walked out as the senate prepared to vote on a sexual assault accountability bill, which disrupted quorum and consequently prevented a vote. 

    The statement said IFC Exec Board "thoroughly condemns" this action, and that the walkout was a "direct insult" to both ASG senators and the survivors of sexual assault who look to ASG as a source of support. Furthermore, the statement said IFC will be taking swift and immediate action to ensure similar events do not happen again.

    IFC reached out to ASG to endorse the bill the Senate was attempting to vote on Wednesday night. The bill, among other resolutions, calls for the University to hold organizations responsible if any individuals within the group are found guilty of sexual assault. Going forward, IFC said it will continue to "dismantle the oppressive forces" within IFC that prevent it from being a safe community for all.


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