Glee: "Mash-Up"

    This installment, though lacking full ensemble choruses, gives focus to single characters: Will sings and dances (breakdances, rather) like whoa to “Bust a Move” and “The Thong Song,” Emma sings My Fair Lady and Puck sings “Sweet Caroline” to Rachel, yet gets some puppy-eyed looks from Quinn. The premise is that Emma and Ken are getting ready for their wedding, and ask Will to make a mash-up of “The Thong Song” and “I Could Have Danced All Night.” Interesting choices, I know.

    Other happenings include Sue falling in love and swing dancing (to my cell’s ringtone by the way), Ken taking his jealousy of Will and Emma out on the football team, Princess Di’s dress, gleeks wearing raincoats inside in fear of being slushied, no sign of Terri (maybe at a faraway hysterical pregnancy spa?), Puck and Rachel going/making out, wearing sunglasses to look cooler, Quinn getting kicked out of the Cheerios, and Will dancing (successfully and unsuccessfully) with Emma. Oh, and Sue’s back—again.

    Predictions: My Wednesday evenings are taking a slight setback for the next three weeks as Glee takes a break from the rest of October. However, I predict that the spill of Quinn’s real baby daddy news will be the catalyst for all of the drama that’s been building up. That means (I hope) Finn breaking up with Quinn, Terri finding out, and then Will finding out about the hysterical pregnancy and Emma taking advantage of the fact that she sings.

    But will the drama be too much for sectionals?

    Music Tips: When sections are repeated, it is generally advised to make each repeat a little different — to make the piece more interesting, keep audience involved, show off, etc. But, I find it really great when things are repeated very similarly and then riffed on. Case and point: Puck. When he sings the chorus of “Sweet Caroline,” he keeps it pretty straight. But when he does a riff on the second, it’s great. As a friend of mine says, it’s “saving the goodies,” or tempting the audience for a while and then giving them what they want. Props to you, Mr. Puckerman.


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