The Walking Dead: "Walk With Me"
    Photo courtesy of AMC.

    In last week’s episode, Andrea was mysteriously absent, in all the machete killing madness. However, this week’s episode, “Walk With Me”, brings her back in style. Her return, however, is overshadowed by everyones favorite redneck: Merle Dixon! He’s back, not any bigger, but a whole more dangerous, what with his right hand (the one that he sawed off in order to get off the roof in season one, if you’ll remember) being one big knife.

    Merle shows up with a band of men investigating a military helicopter crash, where Andrea and Michonne are also hiding. Merle gets the jump on Michonne and an extremely sick Andrea. They are quickly bound and gagged, and taken to an unknown location...

    Except that unknown location turns out to be a town! And not a burned down, abandoned town full of walkers, like usual. Woodbury is a fully functioning, fully protected town. A man called The Governor is the head honcho, and helps run the town, as well as protecting it with Merle, his main muscle. The Governor believes that Woodbury is the beginning of man’s come back to civilization, with everyone living in a home, working and going about their daily lives.

    As a viewer, something didn’t feel quite right to me, however. This became more obvious when Michonne, who was extremely distrustful of The Governor from the beginning, is constantly denied her request for her weapons. The Governor insists that Andrea and Michonne “take a look around”, and relax, before they go on their way.

    The Governor finds out from a survivor of the crash that there is a military unit nearby, and volunteers his help. After finding the military unit, The Governor gives his help, in the form of a barrage of bullets. He, Merl and all his lackeys just massacre them, for no seemingly good reason. Perhaps The Governor isn’t such a good guy after all.

    To be honest, not a whole lot happened this episode, as far as events. Woodbury and The Governor were introduced, and Michonne and Andrea were finally given some lines. Not a bad episode at all, but it takes some getting used to, as far as not seeing Rick and the Gang. I guess we’ll have to see just how much of a jerk The Governor inevitably turns out to be.

    “Walk With Me” Walker/Death Ratio Rating: 2 stars given to Michonne, who wipes out two more walkers with her awesome katana.


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