The Walking Dead: "Say the Word"
    Photo courtesy of AMC

    Tonight's episode opens with a rather disturbing scene: an open, pleasant celebration in the town of Woodbury... followed by a shot of The Governor brushing the hair of his now-Walker daughter, who is in a straight jacket. So that’s totally normal. Michonne does some digging and discovers signs of The Governor’s craziness, which includes a scary notebook. She also finds a box full of walkers which she kills, but is discovered by somebody who was trying to feed them. The Governor is fully of aware of all of this. S. That’s totally normal too.

    Scientist-man Merle and his cronies drive out to a hole in the ground where they’ve captured some zombies in a net. After pulling them up, they start pulling out the zombie teeth for what I assume is research. Merle has a cool jacket that makes him resistant to walker bites, which is convenient.

    Michonne boogies out of Woodbury, but Andrea doesn’t follow because she’s a fool. Instead, she hangs out with The Governor, who hosts walker gladiator fights. Andrea decides that’s not kosher, but The Governor won’t let her leave.

    Meanwhile, back at the prison, Daryl is extremely worried about losing Baby, so he and Maggie hop on his motorcycle in search of formula. They find a house, looking for formula and other baby related materials. There is a very suspenseful few moments when they prepare to face a terrifying threat in the pantry.... oh wait, it’s a possum. Or an opposum. Well, either way, Daryl claims it as dinner, and they go on their merry way. He comes back and immediately takes over care of Baby, which he temporarily names "Little Ass Kicke"r. Lets hope that sticks.

    Dark Rick, on the other hand, starts to lose it a little. He’s obviously not functioning at full capacity, as he hasn’t even held his own kid yet. Instead, the first thing he does is grab an ax and go crazy on some walkers, snarling and baring his teeth. Glenn goes after him, and stumbles on Dark Rick’s handiwork. There’s a lot of it: he’s apparently turned into an ax-weilding Rambo. He throws Glenn up against a wall, and rejects his offers for help. It is a rather frightening scene to be honest.

    Dark Rick decides to continue being crazy and finds the room where Lori died. Except now her body is gone, and there’s a blood trail. He also finds the bullet that Carl fired into her. He follows the blood trail and finds a rather fat walker. Turns out, this is the walker who ate Lori, and was so full he couldn’t get back up. That was super gross, but the scene is quickly interrupted by a confusing as hell event: a phone call. To the phone that is right next to Dark Rick and the now dead walker and digested Lori.

    Alright, I’m going to vent here for a second: I hate Woodbury. I really do. It’s not entertaining! The Governor is crazy, Merle’s an ass, Michonne doesn’t like it and Andrea’s clueless. That has been the basic plotline of every episode with them so far. It seems like things keep building without anything happening! The big secret in this episode was the walker gladiator fights? That’s not that secretive. I’m really hoping this story picks up. If not, give me more Dark Rick. He never gets old.

    “Say the Word” Walker/Death Ratio Rating: 5 stars! Michonne slices and dices with her katana, and Dark Rick destroys like 12 walkers without hesitating, including some really cool shots where the person he’s killing is “behind” the camera!


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