The Walking Dead: "Sick"
    Photo courtesy of Showtime.

    In all the chaos of the undead world, it is easy to forget that some of the most dangerous things are fellow human beings. Rick and the gang learn this almost immediately in the opening of “Sick”, the second episode of The Walking Dead season three. After locking themselves in a cafetaria, Rick amputated a bitten Hershel’s leg, and the gang came face to face with a new group of survivors. These prisoners present a whole new problem: they believe that the prison is theirs. Rick and the head prisoner, Tomas, very quickly butt heads, but come to terms when they trade much needed food for the clearing of another cell block. Meanwhile, Hershel (Santa Claus beard and all) is bleeding out, and is quite possibly infected. This presents multiple issues: while it seems that Carol has picked up some medical training from Hershel, he is the closest thing Rick’s gang has to a doctor. And with Lori having a baby, his death is highly inconvenient (too soon?).

    Rick, Daryl and T-Dog teach the prisoners how to kill the walkers. Naturally, they completely ignore this, and decide to punch the zombies and use guns (turned sideways of course). One of the prisoners, Big Tiny, gets stabbed by a walker’s arm bone (yuck), and while trying to convince the team that he’s fine, Tomas bashes his head in. On one hand, he did what needed to be done. On the other, it shows how insane and violent Tomas could be. When they finally get to the cell block, Rick tells Tomas to open one door: he opens both, cause he’s an ass. I’m sure there is a more technical reason, but hey, there it is. The walkers pour out and the team starts killing them, until Tomas throws one of the walkers on Rick! Rick is saved by the ever awesome Daryl, and they kill the other walkers. Rick and Tomas have a standoff, and then Rick says it’s all chill and they split a sundae. Just kidding! That’s what Old Rick would have done. The new Rick, “Dark Rick” as I’ve dubbed him, takes his machete and buries it into Tomas’ head. Rick chases off after one of the prisoners, while T-Dog and Daryl hold Mr. Moustache and Other Guy (Their real names forgettable. Sue me) hostage. Dark Rick shows up again, when he chases the prisoner into the prison yard full of walkers. The prisoner turns around and tries to run back, but Dark Rick shuts the gate, leaving him to his demise. Mr. Moustache and Other Guy decide to be smart and not piss off Dark Rick, so they get a prison block full of dead bodies all to themselves.

    While this is going down, Hershel stops bleeding, but Lori CPR’s him back to life. Carl gets some medical supplies and tries to show how grown up he is. But the most exciting/weird as hell part stars Carol and Glenn! Carol decides that she needs to know how to perform a C-section if Lori’s birth goes badly, so they kill a walkerette, and she practices on her. Even spookier is the mysterious person/thing watching her! The episode finishes up with Rick and Lori trying to talk about their failed marriage. That conversation just ends up failing as well. This is what I love about this show: it balances the action, the story, the individual character growth and the small intimate relationships that have always been there. Well, episode two, “Sick”, proves that season three is off to a great start! I hope we see Mr. Moustache again, and learn who the mysterious guy watching Carol is.

    “Sick” Walker/Death Ratio Rating: Not nearly as much slaying as “Seed”, but a special commendation must be given to Arm-bone walker. He just doesn’t know how to quit.


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