America's Next Top Model: Cycle 17, Episode 7 Kathy Griffin

    On the bus ride back to the girls’ home, Lisa is shedding tears about her fellow Cycle 5 all-star Bre going home, restoring the idea that the show is not just all about competition. But now that Bre’s not in the house, who’s going to keep Bianca from exploding on everyone? Bianca said, “I feel like a bunch of hyenas are surrounding me.” If Bianca’s making the other girls out to be hyenas, then she must be freaking Cerberus because, if anything, she’s the one getting into people’s faces.

    Back at the house, Kayla and Bianca are breaking it down real for one another and talking about each other’s strengths and weaknesses. According to Bianca, Kayla can model and has a story, but sometimes she’s forgettable. And as for the other way around, Bianca is memorable but a bitch. And the bitch never wins.

    The girls this week really reeked. Well, actually, they did because they had the chance to create their own fragrances. The names of their smells are as followed: Lisa — Neon, Laura — Love, Dominique — Survivor, Shannon — Smitten, Angelea — Angelea (yes she named it after herself), Allison — Honey Blood, Kayla — Free, Bianca — Candid and Alexandria — Diamondatrix.

    In addition to making their own fragrances, the girls had to market their concoctions — from bathtubs at a party. Bianca, being Bianca, strongly opposes this idea asking, “when am I going to be taken serious as a model and not as a gimmick?” When you’re not on ANTM: All-Stars is the answer, hun.

    Eva, Cycle 3, makes an appearance at the party. With her short, platinum blonde hair, she’s looking a bit Halle Barry from X-Men. All of the girls are in their bathtubs rubbing their smells onto their “fans,” except Bianca of course who just decides to stand there and bitch about how she’s “never seen Beyonce in a tub.” Does a giant champagne glass count?

    Lisa wins immunity from elimination at the challenge, thanks to her rambunctious splashing and just being Lisa. As for the photo shoot, the girls are styled as either Nene from The Real Housewives of Atlanta or Snooki from Jersey Shore. They are expected to embody either reality television star while riding on the back of a motorcycle. Easy enough.

    The big drama at this photo shoot was not a discussion of panties versus bikini bottom or a girl passing out, but instead a jar of pickles Bianca ordered to help in her portrayal of Snooki. The all-star refused to share any of her pungent delights. In the end, it only seemed to put her at a disadvantage because it legitimately looked like she was sucking on something that wasn’t a pickle during her shoot.

    Kathy Griffin, who brought great humor to the judging session, surprises the girls at panel as guest judge. Memorable quotes include “I’m blacked out now” and “It looks like she’s just laying on top of him, which always is a great night.

    Much to the girls’ dismay, this week turned out to be a double elimination. First call out was given to Lisa while Bianca, Shannon and Kayla were left in the bottom three. The Christian was saved (this time by Tyra not God), sending the bitch and lesbian home to pack their bags. And as Bianca made her exit from the show she said, “that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.” Or why not how the cucumber pickles?


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