Dance Marathon fashion do's and don'ts
    You might not think that a sweaty, 30 hour dance fest is a place to rock your style, but some of the best looks can be seen inside the tent. Dance Marathon is no Fashion Week, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain rules to follow.
    DO get creative with the themes
    Block themes are one of the many factors that motivate dancers throughout DM. It’s like going to 10 Halloween parties in a row, so break out your old costumes and fashion some new ones! Seeing your classmate dressed up as a nerd cowboy twerking is funnier after you’ve been dancing for 12 hours, and you’ll be a lot more excited to dance for Team Joseph when you don’t wear the same sweat-soaked gym shorts and T-shirt for all 30 hours.
    DO pack unexpected accessories
    Remembers those glasses you got when you saw The Lego Movie in 3D? Pack them. Your sparkly crown you wore on Halloween? Pack it. And your leopard print knee socks? Pack them. You’ll probably end up wearing them all in one block. The most random accessories can pull together the best block outfit and can transform you from gym rat into Dance Marathon cheetah queen.
    DON’T wear anything too nice
    While DM is the perfect time to show off your best head-to-toe leopard print outfit, it’s not the time to break out your floor-length gown from prom when you dress up as Cinderella. You will get sweaty after 20 minutes in the tent and then you’ll still have over two hours left in the block before you get to change into your next outfit. Also, with over a thousand people dancing in the tent and food committee passing out snacks, the last thing you want is one of your favorite pieces ripping or getting stained.
    DON’T try to break in your new shoes
    In the same vein as wearing your nice or expensive clothing, don’t try to wear the new shoes you bought, no matter what type of shoes they are. You will get horrible blisters, and your feet will probably hurt enough already. Even if the only pair of sneakers you have left are your dirty old ones, wear those. While buying some new gym clothes to show off and motivate you throughout DM is okay, it’s definitely better to go vintage with your footwear.
    DO rock the fanny pack
    Fanny packs are not just for tourists anymore  even models are wearing them on the runway. And while Chanel makes them look cute, they serve a huge practical purpose for DM. Wrapping snugly around your waist, they store everything you need for 30 hours without having to lug it over your shoulder in a regular bag. Stuff as much as you can fit whether it’s granola bars, Advil, your phone or all of the above.
    DO document your awesome DM fashion
    The best part of having awesome DM style is being able to show it off, but don’t limit it to just the dancers in the tent. Since you should be wearing a fanny pack, you should have no problem bringing a camera inside the tent. Make sure you take pictures (and even some selfies) and share them with all your friends and family, so they can see just how amazing the cause your dancing for is and maybe motivate some other students to participate next year.


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