Stories by Reedhima Mandlik

Reedhima Mandlik,

It's the 2015 way to do book club: these six Booktubers bring their sharp literary commentary to the Internet.

Reedhima Mandlik,

One writer saw an advanced screening of "Seventh Son," a somewhat lackluster blockbuster.

Reedhima Mandlik,

We'll help you decide if the movie's worth seeing.

We found prose in a lonely place.

NBN talks to Veronica Roth, NU (and NBN!) alum and author of the bestselling novel Divergent. The film adaptation comes out today.

Music is integral to DM. We asked dancers which song in particular energized them or stopped them from giving them up.

The first in a series of poems made by blacking out lines from an existing text. This week: erotic literature!

Reedhima Mandlik,

"Satisfied, she closed her eyes again, and for the first time in months, a ghost of a smile had appeared on her sallow face."

Reedhima Mandlik,

"Yes, this is another dystopian young adult trilogy, but trust me — it’s worth it."

Ready to start the apartment hunt but don't know where to begin? Look no further; we've got some tips on what can become a challenging task.

Reedhima Mandlik,

"While the book may have been slightly dull, the film breathes life into the Games, truly showing viewers the psychological and physical ruthlessness of the Capitol."

Reedhima Mandlik,

Allegiant may have some structural flaws, but the ending will drop your jaw.

Reedhima Mandlik,

It’s Valentine’s Day, and you haven’t gotten a gift yet for your significant other/your friend/yourself. You quickly scribble a heart ...