Breaking down Subway's opening day

    Subway opened at 11:00 a.m. on the ground floor of Norris on Thursday. One of the NBN staffers just so happened to win a free cookie for paying their 2,000th dollar around 6:20 p.m. 

    North by Northwestern had some fun extrapolating this data into an infographic breaking down Subway's successful first day.

    The given

    After approximately 7.33 hours after opening, Subway made $2,000.

    The extrapolation

    If we assume each customer bought a sandwich, and use the average price of $6.00 for an order, we can calculate about how many sandwiches Subway made within these 7.33 hours.


    Images by Magic Robot, George A. Voudouris, and immensedarkblossom on Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons.
    Production by Denise Lu / North by Northwestern.


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