Be it by pot or microwave, peanut butter for everyone!

    Campus Cravings now presents two weekly features, Microwave Magic, for students cooking with only a microwave, and One Pot One Pan, for those with a basic kitchen available.

    Peanut butter is the ideal college pantry essential: unless you really abuse the stuff, peanut butter simply does not rot, mold or grow roots — unlike other sandwich faves like turkey, cheese, lettuce and… things that grow roots.

    So whether you’re cooking with the bare minimum or you at least have a stove and a pan, peanut butter is such a versatile ingredient that it can be used to make everything from Pad Thai (college student version) to microwave fudge.

    Peanut Butter Fondue | Peanut Butter Crispies | Peanut Butter Fudge | Easy Pad Thai

    Microwave Magic

    Peanut Butter Fondue

    This dessert tastes exactly like a Reese’s Peanut Butter cup and is perfect served warm with bananas and graham crackers. It’s also great after it has cooled.


    • ½ cup peanut butter
    • ¾ cup chocolate chips
    • Variety of dipping foods (pretzels, graham crackers, bananas, marshmallows)


    1. In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave peanut butter and chocolate chips for one minute, or until melted. Stir occasionally.
    2. Stir mixture until smooth and start dipping.

    Try dipping bananas into this fondue and placing them in the freezer overnight. When frozen, this treat tastes similar to a chocolate-dipped ice cream cone.

    Peanut Butter Crispies

    These Rice Krispies with a kick of peanut butter bring back the good ol’ days of elementary school and afternoon naps. These treats are extremely portable so bring them to your next Orgo class and replace that feeling of boredom with a delicious sugar high.


    • Cooking spray
    • 1 tbsp butter or margarine
    • 1 ½ cup marshmallows (a 2.5 ounces of marshmallow crème can be substituted)
    • ½ cup peanut butter
    • 2 cups of rice krispies
    • Mix-ins such as chocolate chips, Reese’s Pieces etc. (optional)


    1. In a large microwave-safe bowl, heat the butter and marshmallows on high for three minutes, stirring after two minutes.
    2. Add peanut butter to the mixture and stir until smooth. Be careful: The bowl will be hot.
    3. Add cereal and stir until it is well coated.
    4. Press onto a greased baking pan or plate.
    5. Sprinkle your mix-ins onto your peanut butter crispies and press them down gently.

    Peanut Butter Fudge

    Everyone loves fudge. However, the traditional fudge recipe can be a tricky and somewhat laborious process. This recipe is easy and produces delicious fudge that is perfect for the late-night munchies.


    • 1 cup butter
    • 1 cup peanut butter
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
    • 1 pound powdered sugar
    • ½ cup chocolate chips (optional)


    1. Microwave butter and peanut butter for four minutes on high. Stir the mixture at the two-minute mark so it doesn’t harden.
    2. Add vanilla and powdered sugar to your peanut butter mixture and stir until well-combined.
    3. Pour the mixture into a butter pan lined with waxed paper. (The wax paper will make clean-up easier, but is not necessary.)
    4. Cover the fudge and refrigerate until completely cool.
    5. Microwave chocolate for one minute, or until completely melted, and pour over the fudge.
    6. Refrigerate until the chocolate is hardened.

    One Pot One Pan

    Easy Pad Thai

    McCormick Sophomore Kyle Simonson uses this recipe for a Pad Thai-esque dish when he goes camping and has only a gas stove and a single pot to feed himself in the woods. So, the recipe can easily be adjusted to cooking in a tiny apartment or off-campus house.


    • One package of Ramen noodles
    • 1/3 cup peanut butter
    • One package of frozen mixed vegetables
    • Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper to taste


    1. Cook the Ramen noodles according to directions, reserving a small amount of water when you drain the noodles.
    2. While Ramen is cooking, heat up the frozen vegetables according to directions in a microwave.
    3. Add the vegetables, peanut butter, and Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper to the hot Ramen noodles and stir until well-mixed.
    4. Enjoy, and impress your friends with your culinary prowess!

    Photo centerpiece by Dano on flickr, licensed under the Creative Commons.


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