The City: "He Never Said He Had a Girlfriend"

    This week, the Allie and Adam saga continues. At Adam’s schmancy art opening party, Cat apologizes to Allie for making out with Adam. Apparently she didn’t know he had a girlfriend. Drama ensues. Whitney and Jay have their first fight. How cute.

    Whitney and Olivia – Frenemies?

    So, Whitney and Olivia are on a nickname basis, but Olivia shows her true colors when she tells Whitney that she doesn’t want to hear about drama. Apparently it’s a little to high school for her. Whitney does her classic disappointed face.

    “I just needed someone to talk to about it, but you don’t want to hear it.”

    Jay and Adam – The Blossoming Bromance

    Jay and Adam go wine shopping for Adam’s big art opening party. How cute and very classy.

    Of course, they have a heart-to-hear and Jay asks Adam again about Cat.

    Jay: “Did anything ever happen?” Adam: silence. Jay: disappointing look.

    Olivia and Nevin – Socialite/Social Commentator

    After the party, Olivia and Nevin discuss the party. Of course they have many demeaning and pretentious things to say.

    Nevin describes Whitney’s friends as the “downtown hipster, I wear a fedora” crowd.

    Nevin also doesn’t know where to find people who live downtown.

    Olivia thinks Whitney needs to find more non-hipster friends. Maybe this is a secret plea for friendship?

    Although they love discussing the drama, Olivia and Nevin insist they are over it.

    “I’m sure there will be drama in the future.” “Ew.”

    Whitney and Jay – The First Fight:

    Whitney and Jay have a discussion about the Adam and Allie situation. Jay defends Adam’s honor while Whitney searches for the truth and doesn’t beliveve him.

    “I feel like a lot of the time your friends are a reflection of who you are.”

    Whitney tells Jay that she doesn’t want him to pull an Adam on her, and Jay walks out slamming the door behind him. So Jay is offended by the truth?

    I’m disappointed in MTV’s inability to make this fight a muchbigger deal than it was. This is The City! They could have at least inserted a few of Whitney’s classic facial expressions.

    The Adam and Allie Saga Continues

    At Adam’s party, Allie, Adam, Cat and Whitney & Co. are all enclosed in the same art gallery. Whitney wears one of her ridiculous headbands again and looks completely ridiculous. Lucky for her there were more scandalous happenings at the party.

    Cat feels horrible about what happened and tells Allie that Adam never told her he had a girlfriend. Meanwhile Adam flirts with another girl.

    Olivia and Nevin point and laugh in the background. Maybe this is why they don’t have any friends.

    Cat: “I don’t feel well I can’t be here anymore.”

    Allie: “You can’t be here anymore. I can’t go home anymore. How about that?” Ouch Allie, that was harsh, but Cat deserved it.

    Allie leaves the party in tears with Adam following close behind her. They have another fight, in the middle of the street. Apparently, they have no concern for safety/privacy.

    Adam insists that Cat is lying, but says he understands how Allie feels.

    Allie: “How can you feel the same way? You could imagine feeling the same way.”

    Later on in the week, Adam and Allie have dinner at an extremely poorly lit restaurant. Allie’s eyes look even more sunken in than usual.

    The dinner starts out awkwardly. But Adam demonstrates his advanced social skills and breaks the uncomfortable silence. Adam feels helpless. Allie is embarrassed because she “cried like an idiot.” It felt so real.

    Adam insists, pathetically, that Cat is lying. Allie decides that she can’t believe Cat over Adam and takes him back.

    Seriously Allie? Really?

    MTV’s tips on life

    This week’s episode was particularly insightful and taught me several invaluable life lessons

    How to be a crappy fake friend: When someone wants to talk tell them “I don’t want to hear it.”

    How to accept a party invitation: “I think I should be available, let me check and I’ll send you a text.”

    How to plan drinks for a party: Always plan for two drinks per person, never five. What would we do without Jay and Adam’s sage wisdom on parties?

    How to break an awkward silence: “You look cute. I love you.”

    How to throw a drama filled party: Invite your girlfriend and the girl you cheated on to the same party.

    How to avoid awkward situations: “. . .Take 100 shots of tequila.”

    MTV Quote of the Week:

    “Girls will be girls. Male models will be male models.”

    Stay tuned next week as the beloved Kelly Cutrone makes an appearance, and Allie is in tears again.


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