ASG confirms treasurer, hears funding recommendations

    During a brief meeting on Wednesday night, ASG senators confirmed new treasurer, Weinberg freshman Dillon Saks, and heard the A-status finance committee's funding recommendations for next year. 

    A-Status Finance Committee Vice President Daniel Wu presented the committee's recommendations for funding allocation next year. The A-status finance committee is responsible for doling out nearly $1.5 million, which comes from the student activities fee students pay at the beginning of the year. This money goes toward funding over 120 events put on by 41 different groups, which range from A&O to The Dolphin Show. The committee makes its funding decisions based on how successful an event has been in the past, how inclusive the event is and how well event attendance has been historically. 

    "We fund based on how well the group is able to put on events," Wu said. "We rarely fund based on speculation." 

    Wu said during his presentation that most of the allocations experienced a standard 3 percent increase, although there were a few changes from last year. A&O was recommended to receive the most amount of funding, coming in at $369,768. Mayfest will receive the next largest amount, $193,600. ASG senators will vote on the recommendations next week. 


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