America's Next Top Model: Cycle 17, Episode 4

    As the girls get back to the house, it seems that Lisa has reverted to her old ways from cycle 5: getting really drunk. She takes out a couple of wine bottles and just as it appears that she’ll be soon talking to Cousin Itt again, the former “alcoholic bitch” reveals that she is no longer indulging in good ole booze. So as the other girls are taking a toast (presumably to Isis going home), Lisa decides to sit this one out. We’re all really happy you’ve beat your addiction Lisa, as long as you promise to still be as crazy as you sober as you are drunk. Please pee in more adult-sized diapers.

    Along with drinks awaiting the girls back at the house, many of them are pleased to find packages from home. While most of the girls open the boxes to find clothes and other miscellaneous goodies, Camille’s box only holds a reminder of her 33-year-oldness: bills. In a confessional, the cycle 2 All Star sulks about how she’s an adult and she doesn’t have the luxury to be as care-free as some of the other girls. Let’s just hope that the judges also don’t find out she’s 33, because the last time they found out someone was 25 they cut her right before finals. 

    Turns out Kayla is also not feeling all that great after the last elimination. Like, actually. As she begins to throw up, all the girls start freaking out and eventually even ambulance have to take her away. She returns around 2 a.m. with Laura (Laura is such a sweet heart. I’d want her next to my bedside if I was ever in a hospital) and while everyone hugs her because of her return, you know that they’re all hoping that she went home because she’s some fierce lesbian competition. Also, kudos to Camille for not even putting down the fork with food on it to hug Kayla when she walks into the kitchen.

    The girls’ challenge for the week is memorizing a scene for "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."  According to Laura it’s “like the biggest role in like forever.” Pretty much all the girls do pretty horrendous, sans Angelea and Bre. The best read-through for humor goes to Dominique, though. In her confessional she says, “God forbid if I find his [the pseudo-famous producer or director who was facilitating the challenge] email address because I’d be sending him all my audition videos.” Dominique, send me your audition videos. I bet they’re hilarious. Brazilia! 

    Bre wins the challenge, but honorable mention goes to Angelea. Who knew Little Miss Buffalo could serve up some acting skills. Also, I love the fact that Tyra stumped the girls again with medical terms in an acting challenge, just like she did in cycle 3. Seen this trick before Tyty, but still love it.

    For the photo shoot, the girls are wearing Express, the label the winner gets a campaign to. They are each assigned either the girlfriend, flirt, socialite or cool chick to embody. Male models are also involved, bringing some testosterone to the estrogen-driven set. 

    Most of the photos were quite forgettable, or memorable for the wrong reasons. It looked like in Bre’s photo embodying the flirt she was going in to give one of the male models a hand job. And Bianca looked like the Chesire Cat while trying to communicate flirt with her eyes and mouth.

    Best photo hands down was Angelea, who brought area code 716 in both the challenge and photo shoot. She self-described her socialite character as “716 humble but moved down to New York and became a real rich bitch.” Sure enough it paid off, as she was called first at panel.

    Bottom two were Camille and Lisa, who were expected from their edits this episode. Camille was criticized for not being able to convey the same model in photos as she does in person while Lisa’s cousin, the excuse monster, came out to play this week. In the end, Lisa was saved and Camille, the 33-year-old, was sent home to take her signature walk back home, where she’s going to have to pay those ever-adult bills. 


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