5 questions with NUDM Executive Co-chairs

    We checked in with DM executive co-chairs Ander Aretakis & David Ryan during Block 5. Here's what they said as they approached the halfway mark for their last Dance Marathon.

    So, almost halfway there. How does it feel?

    AA: Oh boy. Really good. It's gone super smoothly so far, it's been really exciting. I think the energy in the tent has been awesome from what I've seen in past years. 
    DR: I think the run-around which is something we haven't been able to do for a few years is definitely a big part of that. It's really good to see that still be a good pick-me-up for everyone.

    Obviously, you guys have a lot going on right now. What job is taking up the most of your time?

    DR: Honestly, the biggest thing is just being available for our executive board. They're responsible for so much of what happens during these 30 hours, so we're happy to be a helping hand. I'm honestly having a lot of fun. It's been great to be a part of the whole experience. 

    Why did you want to be executive co-chairs, and how is it living up to your expectations?

    AA: The base of it was really just wanting to give more to the organization. We both had really similar stories of being dancers our freshman years, and then on a committee sophomore years, on the board last year and then executive co-chairs this year. The more involved we got, the more we understood how amazing this organization is.
    DR: As far as how it's turned out to be, it's crazy. I think there's more to it really than I ever would have imagined, but one of the things I think I'm most proud about is getting a better overall view of the executive board but more importantly what the Dance Marathon community is able to provide.

    What do you want to be your biggest DM legacy?

    AA: I really hope that  it's just – I mean, we're changing thousands and thousands of lives for decades to come. The work that everyone has put into this has been so incredible and inspiring, and that is going to have a lasting impact. I want everyone to remember that whatever they put in is going to make a difference. 
    DR: Our hero families have just thrown themselves into the Dance Marathon community, and we're so happy to see dancers welcome them with open arms.

    Alright, last question: can you show us your favorite dance move?


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