Stories by Peter Adams

Peter Adams,

Applause for Cause's student-produced film Dead Tongues, premiering Friday, will raise money for Supplies for Dreams.

Peter Adams,

We review Killer Mike and El-P's newest album.

Peter Adams,

Two film festivals clashed this season, but how did the politics affect the viewing experience?

Peter Adams,

The Internet has embraced a new cute, furry animal. From music videos to video games, goats are taking over.

Peter Adams,

A Blue Man reveals the training and preparation needed to join the acclaimed group of mute musicians.

Peter Adams,

The films of Northwestern students and alumni get the Trailer Trash treatment this time.

Peter Adams,

If Catching Fire doesn't fulfill your need for teenage bloodbaths, check out Battle Royale for a more brutal experience.

Peter Adams,

A screening and Q-and-A session for Joshua Oppenheimer's documentary about Indonesian death squad leaders, The Act of Killing, will take place Nov. 4.

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This week we've got cheap semi-sequels, annoying prequel sequels and confounding remakes that don’t look like they can measure up to their source material.

Peter Adams,

The polarizing topic of sex addiction is a central theme in two wildly different films, as NBN examines.

Students showcase the possessions that define their passions.

Peter Adams,

Ditch Star Trek Into Darkness' action overload and check out the indie sci-fi flick Moon.

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If Gatsby isn't your thing, pay another visit to last year's The Master instead.

Peter Adams,

Superhero movies with emotional insight are rare in a genre of big explosions and poor plots, distinguishing blockbuster Iron Man 3 and its low-budget cousin Chronicle as rare gems.

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The Man of Steel does not disappoint, teasing viewers in an exciting way without giving away any plot points.

Peter Adams,

While a story might work in print, that doesn't necessarily mean it is made for the big screen. Here's our breakdown of failed lit-to-film adaptations.

Peter Adams,

Hollywood has churned out far too many "gritty" retellings of childhood classics, but they're skipping over some of the best fairy tale opportunities.

Peter Adams,

As “Obama Wins!” distances itself more and more from Obama himself, it finds stronger footing, and coalesces into a weird ensemble play wrapped up as a political thriller spoof.

Peter Adams,

Trying to find a movie to watch for the Halloween season? NBN recommends this frightening feast of films.

Peter Adams,

There are two subjects that South Park consistently hits home with; Randy Marsh-centric episodes and holiday specials.

Peter Adams,

“What type of sane, normal person would want to have sex with Kyle’s mom?!”

Peter Adams,

We begin in a Wal-Mart, where the boys are going shopping for new mitts for an upcoming baseball game; there’s some of the show’s typical banter, an obvious joke about the fat kid being the catcher.