Stories by Matthew Zellner

Matthew Zellner,

The women's temperance movement lives on in Evanston.

Matthew Zellner,

Earth Week, which lasted from April 22-28, incorporated several events designed to honor sustainability at NU.

Catch up with the candidates for student life vice president, Anna Kottenstette and Harrison Flagler.

Matthew Zellner,

NU's clock tower glowed blue Tuesday night in honor of the Autism Speaks' annual Light it Up Blue celebration.

Matthew Zellner,

Our beloved student center celebrates 40 years.

Matthew Zellner,

Several student groups came together to discuss attitudes toward persons with disabilities and corrected language.

Matthew Zellner,

Block Museum architect Dirk Lohan discussed his grandfather's architectural legacy during a One Book One Northwestern event Tuesday night.

Matthew Zellner,

Northwestern's community came together Wednesday night in Alice Millar Chapel to celebrate the life of Weinberg junior Alyssa Weaver.

Matthew Zellner,

Northwestern celebrated the 40th birthday of Norris University Center today with an a capella performance and Norris-shaped cake.

Matthew Zellner,

A funeral will be held on campus Saturday for Jan Carew, professor emeritus and first chair of the Department of African American Studies who died Dec. 6.

Matthew Zellner,

The first Fall Faith Fest gathered religious organizations in Parkes Hall Wednesday for performances, food and a diversity discussion.

Matthew Zellner,

Former Weinberg Dean Hanna Holborn Gray gave the first lecture in the Gray Boyce Memorial Lecture Series.

Matthew Zellner,

In a ceremony presided over by University administrators, Deering's front doors officially opened for the first time since 1970.

Matthew Zellner,

Alum and former history professor George McGovern died early Sunday in a hospice at age 90.

Matthew Zellner,

Students stopped by the SPAC parking lot Tuesday to take advantage of free Wendy's burgers and other treats.

Matthew Zellner,

Students marched from the Arch to Tech, chanting, “What do we want? One Northwestern! When do we want it? Now!,” before hearing speakers at the Meadow.

Matthew Zellner,

Dillo Day as we know it began as a revolution against the university's costly counterpart, "Spring Thing."

Matthew Zellner,

Students attend NU Day at Wrigley, watch a film on student debt and award a scholarship to a high school senior as part of Delta Sigma Theta’s annual May Week.

Matthew Zellner,

Northwestern University Library opened its annual book sale Wednesday to students and faculty. The sale opens to everyone Thursday and Friday.

Matthew Zellner,

A small group of students and faculty gathered Friday to discuss John Evans, Northwestern’s founder and Evanston’s namesake, and his role in the Sand Creek Massacre of 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho people.

Matthew Zellner,

About 20 students braved storms to sip chai tea and continue, in the words of moderator Nathaniel Matthews, “conversation stemming from the events of the past week.”

Matthew Zellner,

Here's why you stand at the crosswalk at the intersection of Sheridan Road and Sheridan Road when trying to get to class.

Matthew Zellner,

The CTA celebrates the Linden stop's 100th anniversary and anticipates Monday's opening of the Oakton station on the Yellow Line.

Matthew Zellner,

The first chairwoman of the Convention People's Party of Ghana spoke to a pack auditorium at the Hotel Orrington on Thursday.

Matthew Zellner,

Hazing gone wrong, weird traditions and the birth of intramural sports. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Matthew Zellner,

The Evanston Rental Unit Licensing Committee met for the second time Thursday evening. Although the schedule called for discussion of a different law, talk turned again to the three-unrelated ordinance.

Matthew Zellner,

Module classes, a growing trend in the School of Comm, allow for more in-depth study in specific areas.

Matthew Zellner,

This spring, both the English and Classics Departments will offer freshman seminars on topics in animal studies, bringing a rising academic trend to the heart of Weinberg’s curriculum.

Matthew Zellner,

“No spiritous, vinous, or fermented liquors shall be sold under license, or otherwise, within four miles of the location of said University."