Stories by Amanda Glickman

Amanda Glickman,

Using a condom doesn't have to get in the way of having fun.

Amanda Glickman,

Our newest sex column kicks off with some Spring Quarter concerns, including how stress, weed and more affect your sex life.

Amanda Glickman,

"The only way I can even start to unlock the mysterious hold that the Housewives have on me is by examining what they even mean."

Amanda Glickman,

Basic human contact is the key to staying sane.

Amanda Glickman,

"Right now, I am in the process of disaffiliating from this religion that I invented in high school."

Amanda Glickman,

You are the one who gets to call the shots when it comes to your vulva's hairstyle, or lack thereof. Check out the warm and fuzzy benefits of going au natural this month.

Amanda Glickman,

"What I like even better is that the whole attitude of the company and its vibe, in stores and online, is NGAF: not giving a fuck."

Amanda Glickman,

The key to pleasing your partner is at your fingertips.

Amanda Glickman,

Can colors define who you are and what you want to do with your life?

Amanda Glickman,

Get your head out of the clouds and look at the stars.

Oh, and by the way, don't forget to call your mother this weekend.

Amanda Glickman,

One writer recommends an alternative to holing yourself up in University Library.

Amanda Glickman,

"'Fizzle' .... what a fucking weird word for a fucking typical situation."

Amanda Glickman,

"After that comment, I was plagued with nightmares of my real nose falling off and getting a replacement one identical to MJ that kind of stuck on like a magnet."

Combine a flavored condom, some lube and maybe some real food and you'll have the tastiest sexytime.

Amanda Glickman,

"I hate the Manic Pixie Dream Girl and the dream that comes along with her."

Amanda Glickman,

The benefits of having a romantic relationship that stays strictly indoors and only lasts for a season. Yes, it's a guide on indoor boyfriends/girlfriends.

Amanda Glickman,

Is the amount of oral sex in Weeds idealistic or just unrealistic?

Amanda Glickman,

Bearded men - hot or not?

Amanda Glickman,

Ladies, tired of not knowing what time it is? With one of these great watches, you'll always be fabulous and on-time!

Amanda Glickman,

"To the boy I'm casually sleeping with (but have increasingly-growing feelings for)'s mother:"