Sex Week 2008: freebies, sex tips and self-betterment

    If you have ever wanted to taste flavored lube, really learn about the Kama Sutra, or pick up tips on how to better masturbate, Sex Week will easily become your favorite Northwestern tradition. Sponsored by the College Feminists, Sex Week is a celebration of the basest human desire: getting free stuff. (Oh yeah, and bumpin’ uglies.)

    Returning for its second year, Sex Week is meant to “provide students with fun, provocative and informative opportunities to explore the role of sex and sexuality,” according to Stella Fayman, Weinberg junior and founder-director of Sex Week.

    Stirring the pot and igniting conversation (and controversy) is Sex Week’s main mission, Fayman said. Each event drags taboo topics into the light. Will they meet opposition? Probably. But that doesn’t bother Fayman.

    “We are totally fine with people disagreeing with our events,” she said. “In fact, this accentuates the purpose.” Fayman explained that attention needs to be called to the fact that discomfort with discussing sex leaves too many people with too little information about one of the fundamental experiences of life.

    Sex Week has grown exponentially to include double the events of last year, garnering big-name sponsorships like Trojan condoms, as well as the support of many student groups, such as SHAPE, the Greek community, University Christian Ministry, A&O and Rainbow Alliance.

    The week ahead is packed with events, so we’ve broken them down into categories to help you find which events suit your specific desires.

    If you want free stuff…

    Sexual Health and Assault Resource Fair
    Monday, April 7, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m., Norris Wildcat Rooms
    You’ll get: Free and anonymous HIV testing, raffle prizes, condoms, and lube
    Fringe benefits: Representatives from Planned Parenthood, Chicago adult store Early to Bed and other organizations are available to chat. Plus, you can sample flavored lube, play Sex Jeopardy and learn how to defend yourself.

    The Sex Week Carnival: “Come See What’s Under Our Tent Tonight”
    Thursday, April 10, 9 p.m., Patten Gym
    You’ll get: Prizes from local sex toy shops and sponsor Trojan. The catch? You have to actually play and win a carnival game put on by the fraternities to take home the goods.
    Fringe benefits: All of the fun of the greatest show on earth… plus sex. Student groups will be competing for highest attendance and a grand prize.

    If you need crib notes for the crib…

    Rock Your/Her/His World Tonight: The ins and outs of great solo and partner sex
    Monday, April 7, 9 p.m., Tech LR3
    You’ll learn: Why masturbation is good for you, simple tips to make solo sex even better, how to give your partner a better orgasm, and sex toys that make sex (both alone and with company) more exciting. The seminar is taught by a “sexpert” from Early to Bed.

    Secrets of the Kama Sutra with Stuart Sarbacker: What’s Your Position?
    Tuesday, April 8, 4 p.m., Norris Big Ten Room
    You’ll learn: NU lecturer Dr. Sarbacker decodes the Kama Sutra, the obscure Indian sex and love self-help book that has been mangled by Cosmo for years.

    Lisa Douglass: The Art and Science of Orgasm
    Friday, April 11, 4 p.m., Harris 107
    You’ll learn: Exactly what an orgasm is, how it works and the art of luring orgasms to the surface, presented by Dr. Lisa Douglass, local sex and gender expert and author of The Sex You Want: A Lover’s Guide to Women’s Sexual Pleasure.

    If you want to better yourself…

    Premiere Screening of “Mekong Butterflies” and Expert Sex Trafficking Panel
    Monday, April 7, 7 p.m., Norris McCormick Auditorium
    You’ll be enriched with: A documentary telling the true stories of sex slaves from the Mekong River region of Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam; two speakers from the Prevent Human Trafficking Institute.
    You’ll get to: Discuss the film and explore opportunities to join the crusade to stop human trafficking.

    Trembling Before G-d: Can Homosexuality and Religion Coexist?
    Tuesday, April 8th, 8:00 p.m., Harris 107
    You’ll be enriched with: A documentary investigating the relationship between religion and homosexuality, featuring gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews who have chosen to keep their faith.
    You’ll get to: Participate in a discussion and Q&A about the coexistence of homosexuality and religion, conducted by religious leaders from the University Christian Ministry and Hillel.

    What Supplies Your Demand: The Economics of Sexuality
    Wedneday, April 9, 5:30 p.m., MTC Forum
    You’ll be enriched with: A lecture on the sex industry, sex in advertising, and other topics on the overlap of sex and economics, given by economics professor Martin Zelder and Business Institutions Program professor Joan Zielinkski.
    You’ll get to: Discuss the lecture afterward while nibbling on refreshments at the reception.

    My Life As a Feminist Porn Activist: A Night with Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D, prostitute/porn star turned sexologist/artist
    Thursday, April 10, 6 p.m., Leverone Auditorium
    You’ll be enriched with: The life story of the first porn star to get a Ph.D at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, as well as mini one-woman performances and audience participation.
    You’ll get to: Drink tea and ask questions about sex, art and love. You can even bring your own work to share with her, or get a quickie sex life tarot reading.

    X-Rated: The Truth About Porn
    Friday, April 11, 7 p.m., Coon Auditorium
    You’ll be enriched with: An expert panel of producers, directors and working film stars to tell the true story about working in the adult film industry.
    You’ll get to: Ask the hard-hitting questions about pornography that have been bugging you since puberty.

    Staging Sex: Two Brief Shows on Sex

    Friday, April 11, 9 p.m., MTC Forum
    You’ll be enriched with: Two Northwestern student plays (“Etch: Stories of Love, Sex, and Desire,” and “On the Erotic: Nymphs, Muses, and Mothers”) that feature themes of sex, desire and the commercialization of the two.
    You’ll get to: Participate in a Q&A with the actors after the show.

    See a complete chronological event list at the Sex Week official site.


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