This week at NU, we found a piece of our hearts

    This week we, along with some confused, bare trees along Sheridan, were still waiting for summer heat to finally set in. But even though the weather refused to oblige, the warmth of summer somehow crept in anyway. I mean, it was Engineering Week and Rainbow Week at the same time, so clearly we can all get along.

    Northwestern played its part in serving up some of this week’s love by joining Questbridge, a non-profit program that makes education at the country’s best colleges possible for some low-income students. The university will provide students who might not have ever had the chance to come to Northwestern with vital scholarships. First the replacement of loans with grants earlier this year, now this! Looks like Northwestern is trying to make up for the dismal winter that came close to scaring us away once and for all.

    And Feinberg, at it again, even reinforced the importance of love this week with a new study. Researchers found that couples who are loving and comfortable enough to be naked together in bright light were more likely to catch possible skin cancer. Apparently, shy couples lack the opportunity to check each other for possible cancerous spots, creating yet another justification for sex with the lights on and general nudeness. Men, for scientific-sounding language to show your special lady, click here. Nothing is quite as arousing as the threat of cancer. You’re welcome.

    And this week, Northwestern announced the imminent special treatment of two of our campus’s most beloved buildings. On the short term, Harris Hall will be renovated, expanded and “modernized” within 18 months. Fans of the building’s historic appearance will be relieved to hear that much of the neoclassical architecture will be preserved, though it appears nothing can be done to remedy the monotony of the classes that occur in 107.

    Over the long term, the university has begun an extensive process of updating the library, assessing what the Class of 2030 will require of its giant concrete monstrosity. Hopefully by then, we’ll be off the Dewey decimal system, but we won’t hold our breaths.

    Rent star Anthony Rapp stopped by on Wednesday and Thursday to speak about his experiences in show business, and ended the event with an a cappella rendition of “Seasons of Love” from Rent. Well, it may not quite be summer yet, but this week was a week of love, at the least.


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