"Write in Jason Gumer 4 AVP"...Jason Gumer, April 10


    Jason Gumer launched a write-in campaign for the position of ASG Academic Vice President.
    From the “Jason Gumer for AVP Write In” Facebook group:

    “In the ASG Election on Tuesday, April 10, 2007, please take the time to vote for Jason Gumer for Academic Vice President.

    As you know, the Daily Northwestern gave the current uncontested candidate, Anna Xu, an endorsement of no-confidence. Jason Gumer is a great choice to replace her as your pick for NU’s next AVP!

    Jason stands for:
    -Academic Integrity at Northwestern
    -Improving Campus Academic Services
    -Connecting Students with ASG

    So, tomorrow, vote Jason Gumer as a write-in for Academic Vice President!”

    For more information, contact Jason Gumer.


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