Weekly 2k12 Roundup: January 19-22

    Unless you were glued to your Twitter feed this week, you probably missed something. If you did, North By Northwestern has you covered. Here’s what you didn’t catch from this week in the GOP ’12 field.

    Happy Trails, Rick
    The latest casualty of the GOP's presidential scuffle was Rick Perry, who left the race on Thursday, with a parting endorsement for "conservative visionary," Newt Gingrich. Although Perry's premature exit is attributed in part to a weak, weak showing in New Hampshire, it could be argued that Perry sealed the dark fate of his campaign with the oft-mocked "Strong" ad, the fact that we liked Bad Lip Reading's interpretations of his addresses better than what he was actually saying (he takes virgin heffers night-riding?!) or uh, that other thing that I can't remember. Oops.

    Newt Rising
    Everyone's favorite amphibiously-named candidate clawed to the top in South Carolina on January 21. Newt Gingrich enjoyed a huge lead — more than 40 percent — to assumed would-be nominee Mitt Romney, who came in at 27.8 percent. This gave rise to this awesome, but unfortunately fake, Washington Post cover.


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